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Bulletproof Mind Resale Rights Ebook

Bulletproof Mind Resale Rights Ebook
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Conditioning Your MindThe human mind is amazing. You need to remember that the organ in your head has been responsible for building civilizations, going to space, and creating the screen you’re looking at right now. Being the most evolved creature on the planet, we can do many things, but few reach that potential.

Some people sit in their cubicles, doing menial tasks for fair pay, when they could be improving themselves and the world around them. By this, we don’t mean that everyone has to reinvent the next wheel, but instead live life to the fullest. Take calculated risks, be more confident, and set goals that they’ll end up accomplishing.

It’s difficult to reboot the mind into something that’s purpose-oriented, and this is where this book comes into play. In this book, you will learn how you can reprogram your mind to be more positive and bulletproof. No longer will your thoughts be weighed down by doubts, but instead going after your goals despite the risk. And you’ll be able to think clearly and decisively.

This book is a quick read, designed for the busy world of today, but it’ll be able to change your life as you read it from chapter to chapter, just as long as you put in the effort and follow its wisdom. It is imperative that you proceed reading the next chapter once you are able to grasp the previous chapter mindset concepts first.

Confront And Deal With Your Inner Demons Once And For All The way your mind works has a lot to do with your past, whether you’re aware of it or not. You don’t need to have a tragic childhood to have had some trauma that prevents you from making it to your full potential; sometimes an innocent event can shape you without you realizing it.

For example, if your parents were overprotective and didn’t allow you to dress up your own way or play with your friends, you may be more likely to be codependent when you’re an adult. If you grew up in an environment of drugs and alcohol, you may find yourself toughened. Bullied children will grow up to be distrusting adults. This isn’t happening in every circumstance; there are deviations, and you need to look at it by a case by case basis. Science is never concrete in these situations. But if you’ve experienced some trauma as a kid, the outlook you haveas an adult may change, and you don’t know it. It’s almost a subliminal change that happens so fast you don’t even realize it. Think of your mind as a military base, one that puts up barriers to protect itself. Your mind may have put up its own shield to protect you from your traumas.

For example, being bullied as a kid may have taught you to be less trusting of people. If you see someone who is even slightly critical of you, you may get anxious or defensive. And it’s understandable as to why that is; you don’t want to relive getting pushed around. If your parents got divorced at a young age, you may be less trusting of your partner simply because you don’t want to go through the same ordeal, or have a child who would have to experience that.

It's natural to be cautious because of what happened in the past. You’ve seen people who have did what you did and got burned, or you’ve seen how terrible humanity can be. It’s natural that you put up your own shields so you won’t be like them. There’s only one problem: the shield does not protect you!

Like the giant slab of mental it is, the shield around your mind weighs your mind down and prevents you from realizing your full potential. You may not take risks or pursue something because of this shield. You may not go after that woman, or man, because of past rejection. You may not ask for a raise because as a child, you asked for a toy and got yelled at. Humans have evolved to be creatures of survival, so these survival tactics have stayed in our minds, but in modern society, there are sometimes where we need to drop our shields and go in unarmored.

Think about your own shields. Have there ever been regrets you’ve had because you haven’t taken the plunge? Why didn’t you do it? What could you have done to do it? Was there some sort of childhood connection preventing you from doing it?

You’ll need to think hard, as some of these memories have been bottled up. Asking your family about your past can help too. If you think you’ve found the reason, you obviously haven’t cured the trauma holding you back, but instead diagnosed the case.

Look at your shield. Is this really your conscious making these decisions for you, or your unconscious pulling the strings from behind? If you want to live a good life, you’ll need to live one on your own terms, and not be dictated by something that happened years, possibly decades, ago.

A true bulletproof mind doesn’t need protection from the mental bullets life throws at you. When you have shields up, you become overly calculative. There’s nothing wrong with thinking before you do something; you’re probably doing it right if you question if that fishy email saying you can win millions of dollars for a small fee. But sometimes, you’ll find yourself overthinking and overanalyzing the world around you, shielding yourself from taking risks and making challenges.