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Chapter 1: Introduction – What Life Could and Should be Like for Internet Marketers
If you?re working full-time as an internet marketer, then congratulations! You have achieved the lifestyle that millions of people around the world have dreamed of and entered a unique group of self-starters who have the drive, motivation and technical understanding to make a living purely online.
Even if you?re not yet making your full time wage from internet marketing, simply understanding the concept enough to be marketing your services, promoting your own website or helping other businesses and individuals makes you a true pioneer. Just a few decades ago, the idea of making money this way was completely foreign and unheard of. This is uncharted territory and we represent an entirely new way of working and of living.
But is it everything you thought it would be?
Are you truly making the most of this unique position that you?ve created for yourself?
For many of us, the answer to this is unfortunately a big fat „no?. Internet marketing can be highly stressful and if you aren?t prioritizing your own wellbeing, health and lifestyle then it can actually be worse than working in an office 9-5.
If you don?t know how to separate your work/life balance, if you are constantly stressing about whether you?re going to have enough work, or if you feel completely crushed under a massive workload, then you can find that you never really get a time to relax.
Likewise, if you don?t get into a good routine, you can end up working from home in your pyjamas all day, starting work at 1pm and not finishing until 10pm.
Some internet marketers will meanwhile find themselves selling out and doing work that they take no real joy or pleasure in. It can be a soul-destroying experience to spend all of your time trying to help people sell low-quality digital products, or even harmful items like steroids. Then there?s the feeling that all the work you?re doing is for other people and that you aren?t actually „progressing? in any meaningful way.
Then there?s the tax, which is remarkably stressful.
Then there?s the difficult clients who make unrealistic demands and unreasonable complaints.
You can end up tired, out of shape, stressed and constantly overworked as you just try to make ends meet. And when it gets that way, you can find yourself wondering if it was all worth it. You took that big leap, that brave experiment and you became a digital marketer. And now you?re worse off than you were before…
The Dream of Internet Marketing
Here?s what the internet marketing lifestyle can be, if you know how to do it the right way…
For starters, internet marketing can mean having your own business that you take great pride in. Imagine being able to hand out cards with your own branding on them, imagine having your own headed letter paper. Imagine employing staff or freelancers and being successful enough to wear nice suits and drive nice cars. It?s a great feeling to be financially successful of course. But being financially successful through your own grit and inventiveness – that?s a whole other level.
It's just a fantastic feeling when you?re at a party and someone asks you: what do you do for a living?
And you get to tell them: “I run my own online business”. You?ll have your own digital empire and you?ll feel like an absolute boss.
Working online can also give you the amazing freedom that comes from being self-employed. I recently decided that I was going to take Wednesdays off. Why? Because I can! This way, I only ever have to work two days in a row and I have a day of complete freedom when everyone else is at work. This allows me to run personal errands (banks and hair dressers are empty) and to enjoy being able to play computer games or go on nice walks without any social commitments either! More importantly, it allows me to work on my own projects. To work „on? my business rather than „in? it, so that I always feel a sense of forward momentum and so that I?m always progressing the business.
This freedom also affords you a range of other options. If you are worried about the health implications of a job that involves just sitting down all day for instance, then you can get around this issue by making sure you go to the gym every morning before you start work.
Better yet, you now also have the freedom to work wherever you want. How about becoming a digital nomad and working on the move? You can see the world while working out of small cafes and bars along the beaches. Alternatively, you might decide you like your creature comforts too much and decide to create an awesome home office that you can be highly productive in.
If you take this to the absolute extreme, then you can find ways to streamline your business or to get it to run itself. That way, you can earn a purely passive income, meaning that you?ll earn money even when you?re sleeping or up in the air flying to your destination. Imagine waking up the next day richer?
About This Book
It?s time to change the way that you approach internet marketing and to start choosing the lifestyle you want – instead of having it forced upon you.
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- Category:Ebooks
- Tags:2022 Ebooks Master Resale Rights