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Marketing Riches Resale Rights Ebook

Marketing Riches Resale Rights Ebook
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SKU: 16288
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70 Build a larger online community by giving your visitors bonuses for participating on your message boards or chat rooms. Try free products, ads, etc. For example, you could say, "Participate in our online message board and get the FREE report! How To..." Another example, "Get this free e-book for just chatting in our chat room!"

71 Instead of starting an affiliate program, start a referral program. Give people discounts and free products for referring people to your site. For example, you could say, "Get a free e-book software for referring just 3 people to our web site." Another example, "Refer just 2 people to our web site to get a 20% discount on our new e-book!"

72 Offer free original content. It's important to give your visitors information they can't find anywhere else. If you're the only source, they'll visit your site. For example, if you write business e-books you know they are many of them out there, but if you added an unrelated topic with the business content, like science, it would be more original.

73 Give people free software. Most people like to find good deals on software for their computers. If the software is free, that is even better. For example, you could say, "FREE Accounting Software!" You could also use the software for viral marketing. Just place your ad in the software and allow people to give it away.

74 Hold free contests or sweepstakes. Most people like to win things. If you can fulfill that need, people will stop by to visit. You can also capture people’s e-mail addresses. For example, "Sign up for our contest for a chance to win a new computer! You will be notified via e-mail."

75 Provide a free web directory. Create a directory of web sites on a popular topic that will attract your target audience. For example, if you had a free e-book directory you could advertise your web site by saying something like "Get 1000 FREE E-books When You Visit (your web site address)."

76 Offer a free e-zine. Most people love to get free information that’s e-mailed to them regularly. This saves them time and money. For example, you could say, "Sign up to my e-zine and learn about (topic) every week for absolutely free!" Another example, "Free Weekly Business E-zine - Save time and money learning (topic)!"

77 Make your web site look professional. You want to have your own domain name, easy navigation, attractive graphics, etc. For example, wouldn’t it make you think twice about buying from a free domain name web site? Another example, if you get confused or lost at a web site, don’t you immediately click out of it?

78 Let people read your ad before they get to your freebie. When you use free things to lure people to your web site, list them below your ad copy. For example, haven't you ever downloaded a free e-book and read it right away without looking at the rest of the web site?

79 Attract the target audience who would buy your product or service. A simple way to do this is to survey your existing customers. Another idea would be to address them with their group name. For example, "Dear Web Marketers..." , "Attention All Gardeners - Listen Up!", etc.

80 Test and improve your ad copy. There are many people who write an ad and never change it. Make sure you get the highest possible response rate. For example, run the ad you have ready and see how many orders you get in a week or month. After that change the headline or closing and see how many orders you receive. Continue tweaking your ad till you get the highest amount of orders per visitors or viewers.

81 Give people an urgency so they buy ‘now’. Many people could be interested in your product but they’ll put off buying it until later and eventually forget about it. For example, "Order Before Aug 15, 2002, and get 2 Bonuses Valued at ($)!" Another example, "Order Now! Only 1000 Members Will Be Accepted."

82 When you ship people the first product they bought, insert a flyer or brochure for your back-end product in the package. For example, if you're selling a book about gardening, you could slip in a flyer about a packet of seeds you're currently selling into the box you are shipping.

83 Give customers a free subscription to a Customers Only e-zine when they buy your product. You could include your ad for your back-end product in each issue. For example, you could say, “When you order, you will get a free subscription to our e-zine about e-books.” The customers will also see your ads every week and that will increase their tendency to buy again from you. Plus a free e-zine is a good bonus to lure them to order.

84 Send your customers greeting cards on holidays or on their birthday. Include a small advertisement inside the card for your back-end product. For example, the card could say "Happy Halloween! To celebrate this holiday we are offering you 30% off our new book titled..." Another example, "Happy Birthday! For a gift we are giving a free sample of our new book titled... If you like it, you can get the full version for only ($)."

85 Tell your prospects that your product is easy to use. People don't want to buy a product that they have to read a 100 page instruction manual. For example, "Our software is user-friendly, it takes you step-by-step." Another example, "You'll get a simple 3 step instruction manual that walks you through the whole scanner set-up."

86 Send customers a free surprise gift after they order your first product. You could attach another ad with the free gift for your back-end product. For example, "Unadvertised Surprise Bonus! A free copywriting e-book!" Then inside the e-book have subtle ads for the product(s) you're selling. Above or below each page. You could also mention them within your content.

87 If you're selling an electronic product, like an e-book or report, include your ad for your back-end product somewhere inside the electronic product. For example, on the last page, title page, index, table of contents, glossary, etc. If you liked the product, wouldn't you buy again from that company?

88 Tell your prospects how long you've been in business for. People think if you've been in business for a while, you have more credibility. For example, "We've been in business for (no.) years!" Another example, "We've been serving businesses since 1935!"