Tag Archives: 2016

Commission Gorilla Review Pack PLR Video

Make Money Online by Promoting Commission Gorilla as an Affiliate!

If making commissions from promoting other people's products is part of your business model, successful affiliate marketers have found a way that could double or triple your earnings with the same traffic you send to the offer.

No matter what you’re promoting, you need to add value by differentiating yourself from other marketers online. You see.... Affiliates who offer reviews, trust and added value make up to five times more money than those who don’t. Yeah.... Five times.

Though it seems easy to earn commission via affiliate marketing, the key to getting more out it is to add value with a bonus to the prospects. Problem is creating these bonus pages is a huge pain in the neck. Creating affiliate promotion pages took forever… at least if you want it done right.

70 Sales Letter Swipe File MRR Template

Download 70 of My Best Sales Letters to Copy and Swipe My Most Persuasive, High-Performing Sales Letters!

(For those who don't know me, I don't mean to brag or anything like that, but if you don't know me, you may be wondering, who is this guy? I'm the Sean Mize of: Ezinearticles, the author of: Anyone Can Coach, and this youtube channel: Youtube Channel, among other places online (just google me to find more)

Are you struggling to write salesletters to sell your training or coaching?

Are you frustrated because frankly, you get stuck on what to write, how to persuade, and what are the right words to write in your sales letters, and other things?

Or are you trying to write salesletters that resonate with your buyers, but frankly speaking, you are stuck?

If so, you are not alone, in fact, many of my clients have struggled to write sales letters. . .

So let me ask you this:

How would it feel to have 70 of my own high-performing sales letters to copy, swipe, use for ideas, or to even use as a starter sales letter to write your own? Here's the thing, you may be struggling right now to write high-performing sales letters, but imagine if you had 70 sales letters - in a whole bunch of im niches, to choose from to copy.

It would make it plain and simple, easy!

I can only imagine how much faster I might have progressed if I could have starter with this starter pack of sales letters.

And not only are there sales letters - that are easy to adapt to any im niche - or even ANY OTHER NICHE - but I've also included some of my private label rights sales letters, my packaged sales letters, and some of my personal story type emails that sell big dreams, so you can get ideas for packaging your training together to sell, so you can get ideas for selling private label rights, so you can get ideas for writing big-dream emails.

Here's what you can do with these sales letters:

--> You can use them to copy ideas, sales lines, intro lines, closing lines, closes, guarantees, anything you want to copy

--> (I don't recommend this, but you can still do it): You can use any sales letter as is to sell your own product (for example, if you have a product in a similar or same niche, you can just copy my sales letter and make a few small changes like your name, price, name of the product, and so on

Make Your First Sale In 4 Weeks MRR Audio

"What would it mean for you to make your first sale in the next 3-4 weeks? This is going to change the way you approach getting started, with easy methods that WORK in the real world!"

Brain Health MRR Ebook

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The idea of tDCS is not to cause your brain cells to fire, as there is not enough electricity being delivered to the brain for that. Instead, it is simply to potentiate them, to increase the amount of BDNF and to encourage plasticity. This has been demonstrated to be effective in countless studies and there are again no proven side effects. Pads are placed in different arrangements around the head which are known as ‘montages’ and these are designed to ensure that specific brain areas get the majority of the current. This then changes the effect of the tDCS – some montages make people more alert and focussed while others can boost the mood or improve sleep. What’s particularly interesting is that the effects seem to last about 30 minutes following use.

Just as with stronger nootropics though, it’s important to exercise a little common sense here and to realize that there’s no such thing as a ‘biological free lunch’. Apart from anything else, it’s very hard to know precisely the area of the brain that you’re stimulating just by looking at a drawing of the scalp! And if you can increase learning in one area of the brain, you could theoretically accidentally cause learning in other parts of the brain too that would be less desirable. Proceed with extreme caution then!

But with all that said, this is definitely an interesting option and especially when you consider a) that there is a huge amount of evidence suggesting that this is a safe way to get a considerable brain boost and b) that there are many commercial products now available that use this technology – and upcoming. The ‘foc.us’ headset for instance is a product that is designed to boost performance in computer games that can already be purchased online!

8 Lifestyle and Understanding the Rhythms of Your Brain

The right nutrition can make a huge difference to your brain power then and so too can dabbling in nootropics and even tDCS as long as you’re careful with it.

Then there’s the importance of using ‘natural’ brain training by stimulating yourself with lots of new experiences and challenges.

But despite all this, there is still one alternative method that is far more effective when it comes to giving you an immediate boost in your cognitive function, productivity and pretty much every aspect of your brain power.

And that is to sleep more.

If you are not getting the best night’s sleep possible, then you are not performing at your best and it’s that simple. This is because you’re still going to have a build up of adenosine in your brain slowing you down and because your brain actually strengthens connections formed throughout the day during the night. It’s also while you sleep that you replenish many of your neurotransmitters and in short, this is an absolutely crucial process for putting you back on top of your mental game. Skip it and you can expect to feel sluggish, slow, forgetful and quite possibly even depressed.

Most people overlook this absolutely crucial factor though and will continue to abuse their sleep – trying to work longer hours or wake up earlier. In the long run, this will be guaranteed to damage your productivity and your brain power… so get to sleep.

Tips for Sleeping Better

If you want to improve your sleep and thereby wake up refreshed and better able to focus on what you’re doing, then follow these tips…

Have a Hot Bath

Having a hot bath right before bed is a fantastic way to encourage sleep. This will help to relax your muscles which makes it a lot easier to sleep. Furthermore though, it will also help you to produce more sleep-related hormones and neurotransmitters and even to better regulate your temperature throughout the night which also improves your ability to nap.

Have a Regular Sleep Time

Another important tip is to go to bed at the same time every night. Our bodies love routine because they are based largely on rhythms. Our sleep rhythm is called the ‘circadian rhythm’ and is based not only on what time we wake up/go to bed but also on external cues such as the sun and the weather.

If you go to bed at the same time every day, your body will start to find its natural rhythm so that it’s ready to sleep when you are and not before.

Use a Daylight Lamp

You can also help this process by giving yourself a ‘daylight lamp’. This is a light that is designed to mimic natural sunlight by producing light with a very similar wavelength. What’s more, is that a daylight lamp can be set to come on gradually in the morning to mimic the rising sun. Rather than being rudely ‘startled’ awake, you’ll instead be gradually nudged away by light – as you would have been during your evolution!

Create the Best Environment

This is also why it’s so important to have thick curtains. If light comes in from outside, it can reach your brain via the thinner parts of your skull and trigger the release of cortisol to wake you up. But if you keep those curtains opaque then you’ll only have the light you set to tell your body when to wake up.

Other important tips are to create a quite space to sleep in and to make sure that your bed is as comfortable as possible.

Have a Cool Down Period

Also important is to have a ‘cool down’ period. This is a period of time during which you’re going to avoid anything that might stimulate you. That means you’re avoiding all forms of stress but also anything that just wakes you up. So no phones, no computer games and no bright lights. The best way to do this is to read something under a dim light. Reading focusses your inner monologue and thereby prevents your mind from wandering to stressful things. Meanwhile, concentrating on the text will make your eyes heavy which also makes it easier to drift off (and harder not to!).

Routines and Rhythms for Your Brain

The reason this cool down period is so important is because it puts you in a relaxed state ready for bed. This means that you’ll have more inhibitory neurotransmitters and fewer excitatory ones.
And this is an important concept to understand because ultimately, both your brain and your body are only ever in one of two states: excited or inhibited. You are always either catabolic or anabolic.
Throughout the day, we switch from being ready for bed and sleepy and alert and ready to go. When it gets dark and we’re tired at the end of the day, we have cues from the darkness, from the adenosine build-up in our brain and even from dinner (which causes a release of sugar and serotonin/melatonin in the brain). Together, all this slows our heartrate and breathing, reduces brain activity and puts us in a creative and chilled mental state.

In the morning though, bright light causes a flood of cortisol and nitric oxide in the brain which ‘boots us up’. Heading to work causes an influx of noise and bright lights to find their way into our brain and stimulate even more adrenaline/norepinephrine to wake us up further. Then comes the coffee for some more cortisol and dopamine and the work for tons of each.

And it’s by switching between these two states that the brain is generally able to always perform the right job for the task at hand.

The problem is that we’re always sending the wrong signals or trying to force ourselves to stay in one state too long. That’s what happens when we play loud video games right before bed, or when we try and force ourselves to work hard at 4pm after we’ve just eaten.

A big part of performing our best is to understand the importance of letting our brain go through its natural rhythms and trying to work with it to get the most from it.

And also important is to try and avoid excess stress. Because when you get too stressed – whether that is caused by physiological or psychological factors – this actually causes us to become so wired and focussed that our prefrontal cortex entirely shuts down. This is a state called ‘temporo-hypofrontality’. While this can be a good thing sometimes during sports, it’s actually the last thing you want during a conversation or when you’re trying to be creative!

CBT teaches us a lot of techniques we can use in order to overcome stress and put ourselves into the correct mental state for the job. These include visualizations techniques as well as challenging thoughts that might not be particularly effective. Meditation is also an incredibly useful tool to this end that you can use to address stress and put yourself in a much calmer and more relaxed state of mind as and when you need to.

The Critical Importance of Exercise

And finally, it is absolutely essential that you get lots of exercise if you want to get the most out of your brain. Remember, your brain evolved to help you adapt and survive in the environment via your physical interactions with it. The vast majority of your brain is dedicated to moving your body, so if you want to encourage plasticity then there are few things than learning a new dance or martial art.

What’s more though, is that exercise boosts your memory according to studies and stimulates the production of countless crucial neurotransmitters and hormones. Even beyond this, exercise is important to improve your circulation so that you might get more oxygen to your brain.

9 Conclusion

Congratulations on making it to the end! We covered a lot of complicated topics there and really did dive in deep with regards to the workings of the brain and how to get the most from it. But if you have made it to this point, then great news is that you now have a much better idea of how the brain works than about 99% of the population.

And hopefully you can also now see the best ways to improve your brain power through training, through diet and through your lifestyle.

Get a nutritious diet, exercise, expose yourself to novel things, learn new mental skills that you can use for thinking, play video games, get more sleep and occasionally consider using nootropics when you really need a boost.

Guide To Getting Joint Ventures PLR Ebook

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venture partner and NOT about you. Instead of telling them what's in it for you, tell them what's in it for them. I don't know how many times I've received emails that go something like this: “I need you to promote my new product to your list because then I can make sales and add people to my own list. Oh yes, and I'll pay you 50% commission.”

Whoopee. Can you imagine the excitement a list owner feels when receiving an email like this? There's a reason this type of email doesn't even get a response. Look, everyone is tuned into that same radio station you've heard so much about, WIIFM: What's In It For Me? A list owner can get 50% in commissions anytime and anywhere without having to do a joint venture.

This is why it is imperative that you stand apart from the crowd and offer the list owner something far more valuable than 50% on sales. Think for a moment –what is it that you're really good at? Is it writing articles? Building squeeze pages? Writing sales copy? Social Marketing? Whatever it is, offer your potential JV partner your service in exchange for promoting your product, along with a good commission.

For example, if you're good at writing articles, offer to write a dozen or more on the topics of their choice and paythem 50 -70% commission on sales. Now this is an offer that is likely to get their attention. Sure it's going to take you some extra time, but so what? You'll be making sales, building your list, and most importantly, forging a relationship with your new JV partner.

Second, consider giving away all of your commission on the front end product. If your product converts well and sells for a good price, this will get the attention of many list owners. You'll capture their attention even faster if you also payimmediate commissions or set it up so that commissions are paid straight into their Paypal account.

Why would you give away all of your commissions? You're not. First of all, you're building your list with buyers, and buyers are wonderful indeed when itcomes to promoting other products in the future. In fact, it's been estimated that one buyer on your list is worth as many as 35 freebie seekers in terms of future revenue.

Second, by placing a one time offer in the sales sequence you can also make money up front. You can either keep 100% of the commissions on the OTO, or split the commissions with your partner.
Third, treat your JV Partner like someone more important than an affiliate. Set up a deal in which several JV Partners and yourself contribute products into one big product package, and then launch the package just as you would a product. Divide the commissions accordingly and everyone wins because everyone promotes to their own lists, ensuring there is plenty of exposure to the offer. Plus, eachparticipant grows their own list full of new purchasers of the event.
Another possibility –work together to create a new 6

product. This doesn't have to mean the two of you sit down in a room together and hammer out the product. Rather, each of you would complete certain portions of it on your own as a collaboration. For example, you might write the intro, they write the outline, you fill the outline in, you create the video and they write the sales letter (just an example, it will differ wildly for everyone.) You can even do a collaboration with 3 or more JV Partners. Just think –the more partners involved, the more lists you can promote your new product to.

Fourth, warm up your potential JV Partner before you pop the JV question. Instead of immediately asking them for a JV, ask them for an interview instead. Or ask if you can promote their latest product, or ask if you can write an article about them for your blog, etc. In other words, see what you can do to help them first. If you are sincere about this, the law of reciprocity will kick in, and sooner or later they'll want to repay the favor. That's why when you ask them down the road to promote your high quality product, they probably won't even hesitate to say yes.

Okay, But What Do I Write in My JV Proposal?

That first email to a potential JV Partner is scary, isn't it? What should you say? What shouldn't you say? Will they reply? Will they think you're some schmuck hayseed from the sticks?

First of all, don't worry about getting rejected. Everyonegets rejected now and then, and online it's usually a simple matter of being ignored. If this happens, realize that they may not have seen your email and send it to them again. Be nice, be respectful, and be persistent. After all, you've got nothing to lose by asking.

But there are ways to greatly increase your chances of getting that JV by simply doing the right things in your email. What I recommend...

1. Be personal, warm and friendly.Imagine you're writing to your mother or father –you'd go out of your way to be polite.

2. Reference something recent they've done.Maybe it's their latest product or blog post -mention something about it so they know you've actually read the post or purchased the product.

3. Play to their ego. Praise the post, product or whatever it is that you're mentioning. NOTE: Praise it in a direct, specific and honest way. Don't just say, “Great post, man!” Instead, say something like, “Thanks so much for the video creation tips –I'm going to follow your advice because I've learned first hand that your methods work.” A general compliment works too if you've been reading their content for awhile and can say so.

4. Get to the point.Don't write 3 pages on your personal history of Internet Marketing. Get to the crux of your communication, which is your proposal.

5. Propose your plan.Again, don't waffle and don't digress. Get to the point and let them know what you're suggesting.

6. Be an authority.This isn't the time to brag or boast, but it is the time to let them know that you're experienced. JV Partners aren't looking to hold your hand, they're looking to do deals that put new buyers and new money in their pocket.

7. If you've got proof, use it.For example, if you're proposing a collaboration on a traffic product and you're good at getting traffic, show them a link to a few screen shots of your traffic. You're putting their mind at ease that you know what you're doing.

8. Outline the deal without a lot of detail.If you're proposing they keep 100% on the front end and 50% of the back end, say so. Don't tell them which hosting company you use or what hours you work.

9. Ask.Ask them for feedback, to do the deal, whatever. Close with a call to action so that it's super clear the next move is theirs and you're looking for a response. Again, you're not dictating –you're simply being professional in a warm, friendly manner.

Send and wait for a response. Don't expect them to fall all over themselves in gratitude that you wrote. If the answer comes back negative, write back and tell them thank you very much for considering it, and you look forward to an opportunity to perhaps work with them in the future. Don't rant or rave or get nasty –the last thing you want to do is slam the door on future opportunities.

If the answer comes back as anything other than a no, then odds are it can develop into a definite yes, but only IF you don't fumble the ball. The typical response you get back is going to be for more information. Provide it and answer any questions they give you. Keep in mind that the things they are likely looking for in a potential JV Partner are...

Get Liked And Create Engagement On Facebook PLR Ebook

Ebook Sample Content Preview:

7. Add a Facebook Social Plugin to your website and blog. Yes, some marketers still haven't done this, yet doing so can result in more exposure, more fans, more business... etc.

8. Did you write a new blogpost? Then post some of that content onto Facebook.

9. Use photos and videos whenever possible. They get shared 2- 3 times more than written content.

10. Find places to add a link to your Facebook page. Email signatures are a great one, so are articles, blogposts, other social media, forum signatures, etc.

11. Go for quality over quantity. Post once or twice a day with really great posts. The exception? If you're posting news – then you'll want to post slightly more often.

12. Post news. Anything that is relevant and current for your particular niche. If you look like you are on the breaking edge of what's happening, people will naturally pay attention to all of your Facebook postings. Use Google Alerts to stay abreast of breaking news.

13. The fastest way to grow your fan base? Advertise. Remember, your list of Facebook fans is akin to having a mailing list – so it can pay to build that fan base quickly.

14. Rotate your ads often. Daily is best. You've got to keep it interesting, and anything they saw yesterday is-notinteresting. Conversion rates can drop a whopping 50% by the second day of running the same ad.

15. Give people a reason to like your page. Incentives work great. But even using the word “because” can increase your likes. “Please like our page because we want to impact as many people as possible.”

16. Offer something special just to your Facebook fans. For example, a product discount or a special bonus when they purchase your product or service.

17. If you're offering a sale, use either the keyword “$ off” or “coupon,” since these two keywords tend to produce the highest response. Offering a certain dollar amount off will tend to produce twice the results of offering a certain percentage off of the regular price. Why? Probably because most people don't like math.

18. The shorter the post, the higher the level of engagement. Memorize that rule.

19. Post when people aren't working or aren't as busy. User engagement tends to be 20% higher when you post from 8pm to 8am. Of course, you'll need to know where the majority of your audience is to make this work. If your fans are all over the planet, then you can likely post anytime for good results.

20. Share other people's stuff. Did you know that when you share someone's content on Facebook, you can create a notification to tell them you shared it? Write their name in the status and Facebook will alert them with the mention function. This is a great icebreaker for networking with other people in your niche.

21. Have an awesome header image. Pay to have this created if you don't have the skills because it makes an excellent first impression.

22. Engage. Engage engage engage. Like other people's content when it fits well with your audience. Respond to comments. Always stay positive. And have fun.

Three Ways To Make 10 An Hour PLR Ebook

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For those who don't want to work your way up, that's no problem. Close this newsletter and go find a get rich quick scheme or 2 or 20. Then get back to me when you're rich (should be next week sometime, right?) You might even get lucky and find yourself a one hit wonder. You know, like those musicians who get a song on the charts – and then can never duplicate their success so they just fade away. It's almost worse then never getting success at all because then people say, “I know that song, who did that?” “Oh yeah, that was Jo Blo and the Tweektonics.” “Whatever happened to them?”

“They were one of those one hit wonder bands. I think they're playing airport lounges now, and the lead singer is the cook at Ma's Take-in-Bake.”


5 minutes of fame and the rest of their life is a punch line. I see that happen in online marketing. Some newbie makes a product that sells a few hundred copies, they get some money in their pocket, and then they just fade away, never to be heard from again.

Who the heck needs that? But it's the get rich quick mentality that makes failure like that happen. For the rest of us who have the common sense to know you don't win a marathon by starting on the finish line, let's get started.

And one more thing: As you begin making money online, a funny thing happens. You get addicted. You get to where you want to make more, and you do. You want to find ways to leverage yourself and your work, and you do. You want to find methods to make a lot more money in a shorter amount of time, and you do. But it all starts at the beginning – making a few dollars an hour and then working up from there.

Method #1 for making $10 an hour online – freelancing.

Maybe it's freelancing writing articles or blogposts. Or building backlinks, or putting up websites, or whatever. Pick out that thing you do the best, and offer it as a service to others who either don't do it as well as you, or would rather hire you than do it themselves.

What's that? You don't have a skill worthy of hiring out your services? Then get one. You're going to need to master these skills to get good at online marketing anyway, so pick something that really appeals to you, then research the heck out of it for 10 hours. In 10 hours you can learn more about any topic than 99.9% of people know.

Then advertise your service on the Warrior forum or any website that lets you sell services. Start out working for cheap, get some clients and some testimonials, and gradually increase your pricing.

Find faster ways to perform your service, and even hire out the work to someone else. In other words, LEVERAGE what you're doing to increase your hourly rate. For example, if you're getting paid $5 an article and you write 2 articles an hour, you're making $10 an hour. Get faster to where you can write 4 articles and hour and you're earning $20 an hour. Hire someone overseas to write the articles for you for $2 apiece, and you're earning $3 an article for simply reading them over and doing light editing. If you can edit 10 articles and hour, you're earning $30 an hour. And so forth.

Of course what is the problem with all of this? You are trading time for money – something that by itself will generally not get you to that magical six figure per year income.

Unless, of course, you not only hire out the work – you also hire someone to take the orders, edit the articles and fill the orders. Now you have a completely hands free system for making money, and it all started with you earning $10 an hour and working your way up from there. Method #2 for making $10 an hour online – writing and selling PLR.

In our previous example we were writing articles for others. Of course in freelancing you can choose to offer any service people are willing to pay for – writing articles was simply one example.

But what if, instead of writing articles for one person, we write a packet of 10 to 15 articles on one specific topic using the best keywords for that niche, and then SELL that packet of articles to fellow marketers for their own private use?

Now you can sell the same articles over and over again. If you sell that packet of 15 articles for $10, and you sell 15 packets, you've earned $150. If it took you 5 hours to write the articles, you've now earned $30 an hour. Of course, if it takes you less time, you earn more per hour. And if you sell more packets, you've again made more per hour.

There are PLR writers who do exactly this. They write packets of articles, offer those articles either on their own websites or on the Warrior forum, and do quite well. Can you outsource the writing of the articles? Of course you can. And with PLR, you are not limited to just articles – you can write blog posts, reports, ebooks, make recordings, videos, etc. You are also not limited by how many times you can sell each PLR product you create, unless you choose to set a limit so as to create scarcity. So now you're naming your own price, and you're creating a bank of products you can continue to sell for as long as you choose. And you're also creating a loyal following of buyers because once your buyers see that you offer good quality at a good price, they will come back time and time again.

Maybe your first PLR product only sells 10 copies, but then your next one sells to 10 new buyers and 5 of your previous buyers, and your next one sells to 10 new buyers and 10 of your previous buyers, and so forth. Every time you offer a new PLR product you'll have more customers who already know that you put out great stuff, and so they'll snap it up in a heartbeat.

Set Up A Coaching Program PLR Ebook

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What you will be doing is showing them step by step exactly how the entire list building system works, as well as helping them to get their list built. Whether you build it for them, have them do it or outsource is up to you and should be made clear from the onset. You could charge one price if they build it themselves under your direction, and charge extra if you do it or if you have it outsourced. Now then, here's the foundation you'll want to lay with your clients from the start:

1. Caution: This first item might not seem important, but I've found that it's actually THE #1 STEP that sets your clients on the path to success. Without this, their own self-doubt can wreck havoc, especially if you are having them do their own work (which, by the way, is the method I recommend rather than doing the work for them.)

So what is the first step? Building their confidence that what you are teaching them will absolutely, positively work. Because it DOES. Let them know that if they follow your instructions and do the work, they will absolutely, positively succeed. Their success won't be based on how good they are at marketing, but rather a proven system that has been working since the dawn of the Internet. Using this system is no different than turning a key in a new car – regardless of who turns the key, the car will run. Period.

2. Let them know they need to forget fads for right now and simply follow your instructions. How do basketball players get good at the game? By practicing the fundamentals like free-throw shots. List building is no different. If they want new-fangled marketing techniques, they can add them later once they learn the tried and true, proven fundamentals. In other words, they need to FOCUS.

3. You'll be teaching them to create their own PAID sales funnel. This funnel will bring in traffic to build their list while producing enough immediate income to cover costs. They don't even need to make a profit at this point – they simply need to break even. The profit comes from the mailing list they are building.

4. They can expect that once they get their system in place, their daily activity will look like this:

a. Buy one or more solo ads b. Keep a careful eye on conversion stats – the object here is to break even. If a solo ad isn't doing that, something needs tweaking.

c. Write an email to their list

d. That's it. Simple, right? Even someone working a full time job will have time to do this. Now we'll cover what you'll be coaching your clients to do, step-by-step. If you're not proficient at any of these steps yourself, you can find plenty of videos and information on the net to help you along.

1. Create a VERY good reason for people to opt into your client's list. The more specific the better. For example, “Discover how to make money online” is not going to convert nearly so well as “Discover how this retired kindergarten teacher averages $352 a day in 30 minutes by simply playing games on Facebook.”

The incentive to opt-in to the list should be every bit as good as a paid product, if not better. If using PLR, it's got to be prime PLR and it should be renamed and given a new cover. The best option is to create a totally unique product available no where else, since this tends to increase opt-ins as well as lending instant credibility to your client.

Here's an advanced tactic – offer TWO incentives to opt-in. The first is immediately delivered, the second is drip fed over a period of days or weeks. First, this provides incentive for the subscriber to give their very best email address so they can receive the rest of the incentive. Second, this also provides your client with a marvelous reason to write to their new list members daily. And third, it conditions new subscribers to OPEN and READ the emails they receive from your client. 2. Build a squeeze page. Simple often out-converts fancy. Think of it this way – the more you say, the more excuses you might be giving them NOT to optin. That said, simply asking for an email address without proper incentives does not work. You should have a great headline that arouses desire for the incentive as well as curiosity. A headline with 3-7 bullet points tends to work brilliantly when well written. If using a photo, do NOT use the standard photos everyone else uses. Instead, have the client either find something unique and captivating, or get them to use their own photo.

Advanced tactic: Write the squeeze page BEFORE creating the opt-in incentive. Yes, this does sound backwards, but it can have an amazing effect on your opt-in rate. Rather than trying to write a headline and bullet points about an existing product, you're now free to embellish and get ultracreative. Of course, the incentive will have to meet or exceed their expectations, so some moderation is necessary. But this technique can add another 10- 20% to the conversion rate if executed properly. Does your client need ideas for the incentive? Show your client how to research forums to see what people are asking. Teach them how to search Twitter for keywords and find tweets in real time about the topic. It's good to make a copy and paste file of these questions and tweets for inspiration. 3. Track and test the squeeze page. Without getting too far ahead of ourselves, you'll want to teach your clients the importance of tracking and testing, especially on the headline. A 5% increase in conversions can result in an added 500 subscribers for every 10,000 people who visit the squeeze page. Plus, the better the squeeze page converts, the easier it is to monetize the funnel to the point of breaking even or making a profit. And when you have a high converting squeeze page, you also have more options when it comes to buying traffic. On the other hand, if a squeeze page is converting dismally, then only the very best traffic will result in a break even point, thereby severely limiting paid traffic sources to only a handful that convert high enough to make it pay.

4. Here are key points to optimizing this process:

Set the autoresponder to single opt-in. Losing a third of the subscribers from the very start because they don't double opt-in is simply not an option.

Once the visitor opt-ins, IMMEDIATELY take them to an upsell page. In other words, once they enter their email address and click submit, the very next page they see is the upsell.

Deliver your incentive via email. This keeps them focused on the upsell page. At the top of the upsell page, let them know the incentive will arrive in their email box in the next 5 to 10 minutes. (Of course, if you're linking directly to an affiliate page, you won't be able to do this. But as your clients progress, they should create their own upsell. This way they keep 100% of the purchase price, rather than only getting an affiliate commission. This makes it even easier to break even and even profit as they build their list.)

In the email the new subscriber receives, send them to a download page that contains one or more additional offers. This will make the funnel even more profitable, and of course more profits mean more money to use in further list building.

Don't stress about how “pretty” the opt-in form looks or what the button says. Instead, focus time and energy on the headline – this is where the real increases in conversions are made.

If you're not the least bit technical and don't feel you can teach others how to build a squeeze page, then either buy software that does it for you, or outsource it. Do NOT let squeeze page building stand in your or your clients' way.

Get Affiliates To Sell Your Stuff PLR Ebook

Ebook Sample Content Preview:

To get affiliates, you'll need to convince them that you and your product are worth promoting. You'll need to build trust. And you'll need patience as well. Potential affiliates often won't say yes the first time you ask, or they'll say yes but then they'll get distracted and they'll go promote something else unless you follow up.

The challenges of recruiting affiliates:

Again, there is no army of affiliates waiting to promote your product. Whenever I hear that phrase, “army of affiliates,” I picture a zombie army standing just outside my door, waiting for their marching orders. I have yet to open my door and find that army...

Announcing is not enough.

Simply announcing that you offer an affiliate program is not enough. A common myth among new marketers, no doubt propagated by seasoned marketers – is that all you need to do is create a product and announce your affiliate program and the affiliates will come. Not true.

You've got to grab attention.

When you want people to sell things for you, you've got to get their attention. Remember, affiliates have lives, too. They're busy with their day to day stuff as well as running their own businesses, and you're trying to add more work to their already busy day. You'll need to grab their attention and get them to realize that promoting your product is well worth their time. And there are things you can do to make it easier for them, as well.

You've got to educate your potential affiliates.

Affiliates may not know anything about your product or how your program is relevant to their audience. Your product may be different from anything they're currently promoting, and you'll need to educate them on how your product is a great fit for them. Affiliates have a thousand and one choices.


Good affiliates get approached all the time. How do you stand apart from the crowd? You've got to make your program seem so much better/juicer/more valuable/more suitable than any other.

You might want to be choosy.

When an affiliate promotes your products, they represent you. But what if they're not the sort of person you want your name and your products to be associated with? Or what if their style is completely different from yours? For example, if they're super hypey and your not, you might not want them to promote for you. Look for those affiliates who are the cream of the crop. Think of them as your sales force – you wouldn't hire just anyone to sell your product. The best affiliates are the hardest to win over.

Realize that the best affiliates are approached nonstop night and day. Imagine if everyone was trying to get a piece of you – what would you do? You'd be cautious, and you'd filter all of these offers in some way so that you wouldn't have to deal with them all. Be prepared to work to get to these affiliates.

More is not necessarily better.

Only a handful of your affiliates will make the vast majority of your sales. That's why you'll want to 6 spend your time recruiting a few good affiliates who sell like crazy, rather than trying to recruit massive numbers of affiliates who do nothing.

Now that you know some of the myths and challenges to recruiting and using affiliates, let's move on to where you will actually find your future affiliates, and how to approach them.

Finding Your Future Affiliates

I have found there are 3 basic types of potential affiliates. And some people may disagree with this – some marketers believe the only good affiliates are the first type I will mention. But what they are forgetting is that every affiliate had to begin somewhere, with some product. Why shouldn't it be yours?

1. The First Affiliate Type is People Who Are Already Proven Affiliates

No doubt this is the easiest source of affiliates in that they're already sold on the concept of affiliate marketing. In addition, they have EXPERIENCE at affiliate marketing – always a good thing. You don't have to sell them on affiliate marketing. You only need to sell them on YOUR program.

You'll need to prove yourself – prove your product does what it says, that your sales letter converts, that you are already getting sales. Your number one selling point to an experienced, potential affiliate is your CONVERSION rate and price point. The higher the conversions, especially in conjunction with a high price point/payout, the more likely you are to capture their attention.

Remember to warm these people up. You want to make friends before you need them to promote your product. Dropping out of the blue as a total stranger and asking them to promote is far less effective than getting to know them first and THEN asking them to promote. Common sense, but I know a lot of marketers totally skip this step and go straight to asking for the promotion. That's like trying to go all the way with a girl without so much as a first date or first kiss. It seldom works.

The easiest place to find experienced affiliates? Find the affiliates who are promoting your competitor's products because those affiliates are your best bet. You can simply Google your competitor's name and see who's promoting those products. Easy, right? And that is a million dollar tip right there, in case you missed it. 8 So you've decided you want seasoned affiliates, and you know how to find them – but what do you do next to actually recruit them?

Here are the steps I take -

First, I consider how my product is a good fit for their audience. For example, I go to their website if they have one, I look at their content, and I see how my product fits with their content, their niche, their target market – and I make some notes.

Second, while I'm on their website I look for specific places where promoting my product would be a natural fit. For example, if my product is a hair tonic and they have an article on hair care, it's a perfect fit. If my product is a course on how to do social media marketing and they have a blog post on social media marketing, it's a great fit. I write these places down because I'm going to be sending this information to them. I'm trying to make everything just as super easy as possible for my future affiliates.

The third thing to look at is how is your product better than what they are already promoting? Does it pay the affiliate a higher commission? Does it convert better? Is it a better product for their customers?

And then fourth - how do I warm this affiliate up to me? I don't want to just jump in cold turkey and say, “Hey, I'm A.B., promote my product!” Instead, I like to approach them through social media, personal email, etc. without mention of promoting anything.

You could ask to interview them on a specific topic - that's a great way to warm people up.

You could also offer to write guest articles for their website or posts for their blog. Be sure to add comments to their blog – I guarantee they read those, and when they keep seeing your name, they're going to remember you when you contact them.

And the rest is up to you. There is no one way that works every time. Your product is unique, you're unique, your potential affiliate is unique – and so you've got to use your people skills and your good common sense. Two things I might mention - do sell yourself and your product, and do keep track of your conversations with each potential affiliate.

What I mean is, do tell how well your product converts, how low the refund rate is, if you pay instant commissions, if people are raving about your product, and so forth.