Tag Archives: Ebooks With Audios

An Introduction To Feng Shui Mrr Ebook With Audio

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Areas incorporated with Feng Shui contain energy which in turn can help you to have a healthy and happy home. The atmosphere in your home will change for the better and visitors to your home will also sense the change. You need to get familiar with certain areas of your home. The more you are aware about what the areas are comprised of, the more success you will have of incorporating those areas with the principles of Feng Shui. You will then be able to transfer this to other areas of your life, including your relationships with family members and friends. You can enhance this by having a connection to your home. Examine different areas and determine which parts do not line up with the Feng Shui principles. These areas are devoid of energy and will eventually have a detrimental effect in your life.

Removing clutter from your home should be the first thing you do as this will provide positive and fresh energy and your home will also be healthier as a result. Clutter represents confusion and indecisiveness which can prove to be a negative thing, especially if you are working to incorporate Feng Shui in your life. Once the clutter is gone, you will have a sense of relief and peace of mind. Don’t get despondent if the work takes a long time to get done – just concentrate on one room at a time. Create a list of things to do and cross them off as you complete each task or assignment. The job will get done eventually!

Having positive relationships can also provide you with more energy and there are ways you can incorporate Feng Shui into your home that can help you keep your relationships fresh and positive.

If you have enough room, move your furniture around to another angle or another wall. Don’t keep any furniture such as a couch, bed, table or chairs in the same format every year as it starts to become monotonous. Moving your furniture around can help provide more energy in that area.

Whatever area of your house it is, focus on providing additional energy that is positive. You can do that by having fresh fruits, fresh flowers, or anything that is fresh and stands out. Your bedrooms, bathrooms and closets should be clutter free. They should be areas that people wouldn’t mind looking at if you were showing your house to someone.

Having a television in your bedroom is not necessarily a good idea. It can be a distraction from your actual purpose. Have pictures of you and your loved ones in a positive format and listen to music that is relaxing and soothes the soul. Certain types of music can provide great energy in the right environment.

Facebook Fans Stampede Mrr Ebook With Audio

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Create an external promo page and link it to your Facebook Fan Page

If you browse the web and you see a promo page offering you a chance to win free running shoes, pizzas and web-enabled mobile phones (or a trip to the Caribbean maybe), what would be your first reaction? My guess is the same as yours! Chances are, you will be interested on how to get the prize and will go to any length (even taking a bit of your time to register) just to earn a chance to be included in the promo. This is human nature and no one argues that. But if you are an internet marketer looking to add up more Facebook Fans, you should use this knowledge as leverage and try to utilize external promo pages to promote your own Facebook Fan Page.

Just to make you realize the efficiency of this method, you can get a lot more Facebook likes by paying for a basketball shoes to be used as a promo prize than paying for other methods that might cost you a lot more money in the long run.

So how do you do this method? The approach is very basic that you wouldn’t even consider it very difficult to accomplish on your own. The first step would be to think of a promo that would appeal to your target market and use it as a starting point for your campaign.

For example, if you are in the business of selling basketball shoes and you want your Facebook Fan Page to get more potential customers, try running a promotional campaign where you are putting up a signature basketball shoe as a free prize. Choose the basketball shoe that is most popular at the moment and run the campaign for at least a month. You can just take a picture of the shoe that you are giving out as a prize and use it as a place to put information on how people can join your promo.

Once you are done creating the ads and banners for your online campaign, post it in your own website or use free press release websites to get your message across people. Allot at least 1 month of time to syndicate your campaign through the web before even starting the promo. (For example, if you are running your promo on September, start promoting your campaign on August which is a month earlier than the actual campaign date. This is to make sure that your promo has already reached a lot of potential readers)

Once your promo starts, make sure that people are required to “like” your Facebook Fanpage before they can be included in your promo. Do not ask for other registration information because this might put off potential Fans. After all, you are only looking to promote your Facebook Page. Specifically state that only those people who like your page can be included in the raffle. This will persuade people to like your page even more. You might be surprised at how this can work, but running promo campaigns is an excellent strategy in getting a lot of Facebook Fans. Because your promo is running for at least a month, people will be constantly viewing your page inside that period. You will have more Facebook fans in the process and more chances to win potential paying customers even after your campaign is over.

Push Button Giveaways Resale Rights Ebook With Audio

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Keith: Yeah I mean I’m still working on it all the time just tweaking it and getting suggestions from people and add that in.

So we continually develop we can keep adding in new products, new done for you products that people can use so to keep refreshing so after a while people will have seen the products so well keep adding new ones in.

John: So basically its going to be a product that not only helps people get started but its something that’s going to evolve over time. The more products you need to provide any new techniques come along you’re going to cover that and you’re obviously going to make as easy as possible in the future so if something new happens and a way to make things even easier that’s going to happen as well. So I think basically you’ve covered everything already were also going to cover everything that may happen in the future.

Keith: Yes we'll just keep developing it, adding new ideas in. one of the things I’ve been doing is getting some ideas from your affiliate promo formula because it is promoting an affiliate product when you promote a giveaway. So you can use ideas from there to get more people signing up under you which builds your gift higher up and you get more signups.

John: That’s obviously something you could do actually yeah and like adding a bonus offer so tell people to sign up under you, you will give them a bonus, yeah, is that what you mean?

Keith: Yeah. I’ve done that in a small way but there’s quite a few things you could do along those lines. You give people a product done for you , gift just for signing up via your link. Because you obviously need to get as many people signed up as possible because you get points. You could offer an extra bonus if they buy the upgrade.

John: Okay. Well Keith push button giveaways is something I cant wait to see finished. And I know we are going to be doing a case study.

Keith going to be teaching me over the next few weeks. I’m actually going to take part in my very, very first giveaway and what we’ll do is we’ll do the case study by what I’m doing and we’ll document everything so, we can see how your methods help me and how push button giveaways helps me. So that’s something I look forward to, but I will say this Keith I think you’ve covered everything her. And the most important thing to get across is the software Keith uses himself, every single day.

So if that doesn’t say how good the software is and how good his methods are then nothing will. So that’s something I’m looking forward to, I know you’re looking forward to so hopefully in the next few weeks we will obviously depending on when people listen to this call, but for me in the next few weeks I’m going to see the true power of push button giveaways.

Overcoming Arachnophobia Mrr Ebook With Audio

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Why bother treating a phobia? People with untreated anxiety disorders may be more susceptible to other psychological disorders such as depression according to the American Psychological Association. The group also notes that relationships with family members, friends and coworkers can be strained, and job performance can suffer when a person's anxiety disorders are left untreated.

All fears can be overcome. The key to achieving this is first being able to be strong enough to admit to ourselves, then others that we indeed have a fear. This is where many people can falter because they may be either too embarrassed or too proud to admit that they are afraid of certain things. Sometimes fear can be viewed as a sign of failure and weakness, however it is more courageous to admit your fears than to deny or avoid ever having these feelings. Fear is a natural human emotion and is built in us as a way of protecting ourselves; therefore it is perfectly normal to be afraid.

Acknowledgement of fear puts you in a position to gain control. You are ready to turn the fear into a positive and constructive force by counteracting it with action. Robert Louis Stevenson said, "You cannot run away from weakness; you must sometime fight it out or perish; and if that be so, why not now and where you stand?"

It will be hard and it takes a long time so trustworthy people must be found to help you – people who won‘t get impatient or misunderstand. There will probably be lots of failures but each failure means a small step on the way to success. There's something else that's happening, too. All the time you're challenging fear with action, you are developing problem solving techniques. You're learning a skill that can be applied to your 'life after fear' and there's going to be a lot of that once you make the decision to challenge your condition.

We all have problems to solve at every stage of our lives. From infancy to old-age, we face uncertainties and must apply ourselves to solving the problems those uncertainties bring. Once you learn problem solving techniques, you have an ability that can become the basis for all kinds of success. As previously stated, you need to find a trustworthy person to help you face your fear. They can help you by sharing their own thoughts and assisting you in working through your feelings. After admitting your fears, the next step is to work through and analyze them. There is a reason for everything that happens in life, as there are reasons why we fear certain things. Fears need to be knocked straight on the head and dealt with if we are to have any peace of mind, and this can only be done by locating the root of the problem. Once you can establish what is causing your fear, the easier it will be to solve the problem.

Arm yourself with as much information as you possibly can. One person‘s account of dealing with their own fear of spiders involved an in-depth investigation of the spider as a creation of nature. He looked at pictures, studied their webs and learned to look at them through different eyes. He deliberately chose to go to places where he knew there would be spiders – old barns, basements/cellars, lakeside cabins, etc. When a spider showed up, he took his initial panic reaction and turned it into a physical study of himself and his response as well as studying the spider itself. This was done after extensive research into spiders and their characteristics. Armed with this knowledge, he was able to control his panic and turn it around to work for him instead of against him – and it worked! By learning more about the creatures he feared, he was able to view them in a different light and heal himself.

Facebook For Business Mrr Ebook With Audio

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As previously stated, Facebook is not confined to making friends and finding family members. It has become a platform which initiates business, advertising and good relationships with customers and has become part of the daily activity for millions of people worldwide, either for personal use or for business. Facebook also offers diverse applications that can be used for both personal enjoyment and business purposes.

Those on your social network list can help you in doing business on Facebook. You can ask them to share photos and information regarding your business to other people who are not included in your list. This gives your business a wider market and all with free advertising.

Once Facebook users become a ‘fan’ of your fan site, their friends will be able to see this information on their ‘wall’. This in turn can bring more people to your fan page, meaning more fans and more prospective customers. All you need to do is to make your page as interesting as possible so that other Facebook account users will be enticed to check on what you have to offer. If your product has a good reputation, you will reap great results and publicity among friends of friends. Thus your business will spread and become viral.

Companies who use Facebook for business purposes get a lot of exposure and traffic. In this age of internet and social media, doors have been opened around the world to assist those who want to start a new business simply and at low cost.

Get interactive with your fans or 'likers'. If someone comments on your page or post, hit the like button on what they have commented on and say a few words back, thanking them for their comments. Remember to always answer their questions and respond to any complaints there may be. By generally encouraging your fans to interact with you, you are showing them that you are a real person and not just out to take their money and run. This is one of the most appealing things about Facebook, allowing personal interaction with customers. Nowadays where everything seems to be automated, customers and prospective customers appreciate talking to a ‘live human’ rather than an automated customer service. If people are happy to do business with you, they will tell their friends. This in turn could create astronomical growth for your business which could mean that you will have to outsource all of the individual contact if you cannot handle it yourself.

Giving away free products is a great way to promote your business and build a list of subscribers and potential customers. Make sure that you give away high quality products to show your subscribers the type of product you are selling. If your ‘freebie’ is high quality, your subscribers will be more inclined to purchase future products from you.

The Natural Cellulite Solution Mrr Ebook With Audio

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Just as there seem to be an endless array of over the counter cellulite products, medical treatments, and spa procedures to reduce the appearance of cellulite, there are just as many, if not more natural cellulite treatments.

These types of treatments range from supplements and herbs, to diet plans, and from exercise routines to homemade concoctions.

It is nearly impossible to mention every type of natural cellulite treatment people have tried and continue to try each and every day. While some natural remedies are quite simple in nature and include items such as mayonnaise and olive oil that is massaged into the skin to improve circulation and elasticity, others are a bit more complex and include making mixtures of vinegar, fruit juices, oils, and herbs to promote healing from the inside out.

Still, other naturopaths and cellulite insiders recommend combination programs that include herbs, diet, exercise, and massage to fully counter the effects of cellulite.

One common thing amongst most natural treatments is a healthful diet. While there is no clinical proof that a healthier diet will melt away cellulite, what is known is that it does melt fat. When this happens the appearance of cellulite can also diminish.

Even though many people would rather purchase a simple cream, lotion, or pill than have to invest the time and discipline in changing their eating habits, changing the way you eat provides a number of health benefits, including a more efficient metabolism, which can help the body burn more fat and cellulite.

By incorporating great variety in your daily diet, from foods such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains, low fat or fat free dairy, and lean protein, the metabolism speeds up, the body burns more calories, and in turn burns fat stores.

Getting rid of junk foods, fatty foods, sugary foods, and processed foods will further promote fat loss as these types of foods tend to accumulate quickly in the body.

In addition to healthier food choices, drinking healthier beverages is also key to burning fat and calories.

Sugary beverages add tons of empty calories that end up being stored as excess fat in the body. Drinking more water is not only sugar free; it is calorie free and helps the body to naturally rid itself of toxins.

Finally, consuming a healthier diet of smaller meals several times a day, instead of just three large meals will keep hunger at bay, will reduce cravings, and will keep you from mindlessly snacking between meal times. All of these small changes can make a large difference in your overall appearance, including the appearance of cellulite.

Explosive PLR Profits Mrr Ebook With Audio

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If you purchase a private label rights package that includes all graphics and a sales letter, you can change the images to something totally different and rewrite the sales letter, thereby making the product unique to you.

If you cannot design the graphics yourself, you can outsource this part.

Branding Your Private Label Rights Content

You may want to consider branding your private label rights product if you really want to stand out from the crowd. Branding is a way of making the product your own with you as the author and there are several ways you can do this.

You could add your name to the title of your product. For example, ‘John Doe’s Strategies for Online Marketing’ instead of ‘Strategies for Online Marketing’.

Adding a logo that represents you or your company is another idea. You can do this by using graphic software that has logos or you could hire a graphic designer to do this for you.

You could also use a specific name such as “The Wealthy Business” series to brand not only you but also your business.

Breath Modulation Tools Mrr Ebook With Audio

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Lower Blood Pressure

While increasing physical activity, maintaining balanced weight, and consuming a diet high in fruit and veggies and light on the salt are crucial ways to lower blood pressure naturally, taking time to breathe slowly and consciously is likewise being shown to have a significantly positive effect.

Research at the National Institutes of Health advises that breathing slowly for a few minutes a day is enough to help individuals lower blood pressure naturally without pills or supplements. In fact, scientists believe that how we breathe might hold a key to how the body regulates blood pressure.

Break Down Salt

Researchers claim that in addition to deep relaxation, breathing slowly breaks down the salt that we consume.

If you sit there under-breathing all day (as most individuals do) and you have a high salt intake, your kidneys might be less effective at getting rid of that salt than if you're out hiking in the woods.

Individuals that have high blood pressure have an increased risk of heart attacks, strokes, kidney damage, blindness and dementia. It's often called the silent killer, because patients might notice no symptoms till it already has done serious damage.

Better Circulation with Slow Breathing

Many individuals have cold hands and cold feet, even in the summer. This condition is uncomfortable, is a sign of bad circulation. Circulation is what nourishes our organs and our bodies with oxygen and nutrients. It's absolutely necessary for optimum health. It may be completely restored by slow breathing!

Poor circulation is related to hypertension and will lower the body's immunity. When the body can’t pump blood through the arteries, the pressure builds. When blood doesn't flow well, white blood cells can’t go where they're needed to defend the body against invaders. The white blood cells are core to the immune system, and they defend against viruses, cancer cells, infections, and additional illnesses.

How To Outsource To Grow Your Business Plr Ebook With Audio

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If you want to get the best people working for you, you simply cannot ignore milestones and escrows. Milestones are especially important when you are working on huge projects and want people to give you their deliverables in smaller installments so that you could manage work at your end as well. And we have already seen how escrows are important.

Some websites, like eLance in particular, help you to state the form in which you want your deliverables. You could actually set up milestones for the whole project. Among other benefits, this ensures that your employee can manage the deadline in a much better manner. You can also keep tabs on things better.

It is ideal anyway to post only short-term projects at the start, until you have a rapport set up with the worker. Even though everything might seem all right to you in the bid, there are chances that something might go wrong when the actual project is underway. If you have a long project running, it could be cumbersome to bail out of these difficult situations. However, a short-term project can help.

On GetAFreelancer, the shortest project you can post should be worth $30. However, on most other sites, there is no minimum limit for the project you post.

The best way to make the payment is through an escrow system. Most jobsites work with escrows (which is actually the main reason why you should use these freelance jobsites because an escrow protects both parties). When you select a bidder, you deposit some money into an escrow account. This money is held by the website but not released to the bidder yet. When they accomplish the task, you can direct the website to release the funds to them.

Escrow helps you because if there is any problem with the project later on and you don’t feel like you should pay, you could ask the website to arbitrate. No freelance website will arbitrate if an escrow wasn’t made. Also, the worker knows that you have money for the project and it motivates them to do a better job.

How To Can Tangy Tomatoes Yourself Mrr Ebook With Audio

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Chapter 6 - Things that you would Require to can tomatoes

The first step towards canning tomatoes is to gather all the necessary canning equipment. Fundamental canning equipment is something that an average person can easily acquire. It is not an ‘Oh my God’ thing and definitely not something that will make you run from one store to another. The equipment required for canning tomatoes can be easily procured from the market.

Of all the things that you’ll need for canning, fresh, ripe and round tomatoes is something that is primary or else what will you can? The choice of tomatoes can greatly affect the quality of sauce or crushed puree. So, you must be very careful while selecting tomatoes that you plan to can at home. Besides this, you’d either require a water bath canner or a pressure canner, which will obviously depend on the type of method you plan to employ. A water bath canner is a huge cooking pot that has a wooden rack and a lid that fits tightly. The wooden rack keeps the jars intact and prevents them from touching one another. To ensure optimum heating of the jars, it should be made sure that the canner’s diameter is not more than 4 inches in width than the stove burner’s diameter.

A pressure canner, on the other hand, is a special heavy pot equipped with a steam-tight lid. Every pressure canner has a different way of operating and as such, you must read the instructions carefully before using. The pressure canners that are available these days have much advanced in-built features.

Besides this, you will also require jar funnel, jar lifter, sharp knives, a clean cloth, cutting board, rubber spatula, lid wand, hot pads, hot/ raw packs and a timer.

It is very important to sterilize the canning equipment before putting it to use. Those who have a dishwasher at home should place all the required utensils in the dishwasher and hit the ‘Sterilize’ option. If, by chance, this option is not available, you must boil all the tools and utensils. The jars should be allowed to remain submerged in warm water for half an hour.

These days, comprehensive canning kits are also available in the market. Depending on the exact type of the canning method you choose to employ, you may get a canning kit for yourself. This will save you from the acute botheration of collecting different tools and supplies one by one. Tomato canning kits have actually made it easy for people to can tomatoes at home.