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Warp Speed Productivity PLR Ebook

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The Myth Of Time Management

Productivity and Time Management

Ask any successful business or individual out there, and I’m sure they will tell you higher levels of productivity are a crucial aspect in ensuring revenue growth and achieving success.

In fact, many individuals and corporations willingly invest large sums of money and effort in order to improve in this area. Higher levels of productivity in individuals (whether as part of an organization or alone) helps to bring them closer to their success targets within a shorter time period, and prevents needless wastage of time, money and effort.

The dictionary defines productivity as “the quality, state, or fact of being able to generate, create, enhance, or bring forth goods and services”. To explain it simply on a more individual level - it is just how much one can get done in a set period of time.

And when productivity is mentioned, time management is usually also brought up ; they go hand in hand. Both are strongly correlated - higher levels of productivity is usually the result of better time management.

All That You Know About Time Management Is Wrong Yup, you got that right.

Your understanding of time management is very likely… wrong.

Time management is in fact, a misnomer. Time cannot be managed or influenced; it is something that is pretty much out of our control. All of us, despite our social or financial background, are allocated 24 hours in a day, no more or less. Once gone, there’s no way we can get it back.

Our day-to-day responsibilities - be it family or work, takes up a large portion of our time. Not only that, time is fleeting and so easily robbed from our hands. Unexpected things pop up all the time. Priorities change. Things go terribly wrong. You get sick, or tired.

You can only do so much - you’re only human, after all.

You can, however control YOU. And your CHOICES. Time management is more correctly, all about self-discipline and task management. It’s the management of expectations as well as interruptions. It is the ability to manage your actions, habits and priorities based on the time you are given. It is understanding what matters most, making a choice to make room for that in your life, and getting rid of the unnecessary, unimportant stuff that’s hogging up your valuable time.

Also, time management is not a one system fits all method. There is no perfect method. Different individuals have different styles - we’re all wired differently in terms of personality type, identity and individual life circumstances. Some may find that a to-do list works for them; others may find to-do lists hard to follow and demotivating. It’s all about finding your groove - different strokes for different folks.

Multitasking because you want to manage time better? Bad idea. Contrary to popular belief, faster and more is NOT always better. Multitasking is one way to destroy your productivity levels.

Sure… you seem to get more done this way.

However, you are probably more likely to make mistakes - which will result in you doing over things. Stick to focusing on one task at a time, and taking sufficient breaks whenever possible - you’ll stand to accomplish more this way. Now, we’ve mentioned that juggling multiple tasks at one time is counterproductive. However, striving to complete each task no matter how long it takes is also not a wise idea when it comes to time management - another common misconception regarding time management. Restrict your time spent on a task, and schedule accordingly.

As you can see, a lot of what we know regarding time management are in fact, myths. Many of us have skewed perceptions or are misinformed when it comes to time management. These myths, over time, through the people around us or the media we consume, become deeply ingrained within our mindsets; we eventually regard them as facts and hold on to them. As a result, we are prevented from becoming truly and fully productive in any aspect of our lives.

Chapter 1 : Effectiveness Vs. Efficiency

Effectiveness versus efficiency.

Both terms are adjectives that begin with the letter ‘e’, and are used to describe how work is done. Not only that, they sound quite similar.

It is relatively easy to mistake one for the other, or use them interchangeably (a lot of people do!). However, these terms are anything but similar - in fact, they each carry completely different meanings.

Effectiveness is all about doing the right things; it is result oriented. It is when one’s objectives are in line with their main goals, and indirectly your purpose.

It is finding ways to improve outcomes. For example, if your goal is to increase awareness and sales of a particular product to reach a particular target, you should engage in tasks or activities that will help move you closer to your goals (eg. marketing and ads, in this scenario) , and not waste time on irrelevant tasks that do not serve your goals. This makes you effective.

Efficiency, however, is more about doing things right; this aspect is task oriented. It is using better ways to get something done well in the shortest amount of time possible, while utilizing the least amount of resources and/or costs. An example of efficiency would be using a computerized system to get things done accurately in a shorter span of time; as opposed to relying on manual methods to do the same thing, which is susceptible to human error and is more time consuming.

Either one can exist without the other; one can be effective but not efficient, and vice versa. It is entirely possible for one to be effective in achieving their goals, while being inefficient in the way they do it. It is also entirely possible to be none of both at all.

Wikijuniors Science Adventure PLR Ebook

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Do you like making slime? We do.

Here are some simple experiments of how to make some:

1. Place 2 tablespoons of PVA (polyvinyl acetate) glue in a zipper-type plastic bagor bowl and add an equal quantity of water.

2. Add 1 or 2 drops of food colour, if you want.

3. Add 1/2 teaspoon of saturated borax solution. (Borax can be bought in a pharmacy, or nag your science teacher to do this at school).

4. Squeeze the bag to mix the contents or use a spoon or your fingers if using a bowl.

5. When the slime has mostly formed, reach in and take out the slime. Don't be shy, it will not hurt you!

6. Knead the slime to make it smooth.

7. Puuuuuuurfect!!! You have made your slime!

It should be a bit like putty.

Options: use clear PVA glue and glitter for a different look.

Add shaving cream for fluffy slime.

Add poly styrene balls for some texture.

Another type of slime you can make, using cornstarch and water, is Oobleck.


Oobleck, Goo or Goop is a strange substance that has some of the properties of a liquid and a solid at the same time. Substances like this are called non-Newtonian fluids, because they do not follow the normal rules of solids and liquids. Newtonian solids, like wood or ice, hold their shape. Newtonian liquids, like oil or water, usually take the shape of the container they are in.

Non-Newtonian fluids like Oobleck are sometimes liquids and sometimes solids.

If you have ever melted chocolate without stirring it, you will notice that the squares of chocolate hold their shape until you stir them up. Melted chocolate is also a non-Newtonian fluid.

1. The Experiment

1.1 Safety

As with all experiments, you should talk to an adult before trying to make Oobleck. You may need permission to use the ingredients.

Oobleck is safe to touch; however, it can be very messy. You should wear an apron to keep your clothes clean. If you get Oobleck on your clothes or on the floor, you can easily clean them up with water.

1.2 What You Need Water

A cup of cornstarch

A bowl

A spoon

That's it, isn't that easy!

1.3 Instructions

Put about a cup of cornstarch into the bowl.

Pour about a cup and a half of water into the bowl and stir.

All the cornstarch should be covered in the water. There should be no dry cornstarch visible. If there is dry cornstarch, add a tiny bit more water and stir again. Keep adding a tiny bit of water and stirring until all the cornstarch is covered in water. The mixture should look wet but be difficult to stir, as if you are trying to stir a solid.

Dig in!

Note: If your oobleck starts getting too dry, just add a little more water and stir it again.

The Power Of Wholeness MRR Ebook

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In the United States and Western Europe, we are caught in a health crisis. Not only is there an obesity epidemic, which leads to increased incidence of certain types of cancer, a range of cardiovascular diseases and other lifestyle conditions like type 2 diabetes, This is also symptomatic of a deeper range of illnesses.

In the West anti-depressant and anti-anxiety medications are always in the top ten of annual prescriptions. These products sell in the billions of dollars every single year without fail. On top of that, in the United States in particular, there is an opioid epidemic.

For the longest time, doctors have been prescribing very powerful opiate-based medications. People have gotten used to these. In fact, they’re so dependent that they found a way to unleash the full pain-killing power of prescription medications like OxyContin and hydrocodone.

The result is an opiate epidemic that has resulted in thousands upon thousands of overdose deaths in the United States. The carnage doesn’t look like it’s going to be stopping any time soon.

The common threat that unites all these sad scenarios is the fact that in the West, we have forgotten about wellness. We really have. The traditional Western view of wellness is very restricted and, given what's going on, on the ground, quite short-sighted.

Traditional Western medicine's attitude towards wellness is built on the assumption that the body and the mind are separate. They are not joined, they are not related in any way, but they are separate.

Just as importantly, whatever treatments are created for either body or mind, have to be based on biochemical compounds. In fact, it's only been recently that we have steered towards the direction of biochemistry. Prior to this, it's mostly just hard chemistry.

This idea of the body and mind being separate has led to doctors treating the symptoms but overlooking the disease. It’s impossible to treat the body without addressing the mind and the spirit.

Unfortunately, in the West, the spiritual component of wellness is hardly mentioned at all. In fact, people get really antsy and uncomfortable the moment the idea of spirit enters any conversation. It's like it's completely off-limits to ?credible? scientific investigation.

On top of all of this, the typical diagnosis for physical ailments leaves out the attitude, mindset as well as emotional configuration of the patient. In fact, it's only been recently that general-practice physicians have factored in lifestyle considerations.

In the world of traditional Western medicine, the idea of lifestyle medicine is quite recent. In fact, the medical institutions in Western countries only began taking this very seriously starting in the 1930s, but in a very substantial way starting in the 1960s.

Prior to those points in time, the whole idea of changing your lifestyle to improve your health outcomes was considered quaint or even superstitious. By and large Western doctors focused on chemicals and surgery to get people better.

Thankfully, we have overcome such thinking because as it turns out, lifestyle provides input to the human body on so many levels. These inputs are not inconsequential. They really go a long way in making you who you are. Accordingly, if there are any problems with these inputs, you are sure to feel the consequences.

This sea of change in the rank-and-file doctors’ impression of lifestyles’ impact on overall health signals a matching change in medical professionals’ view of the body-and-mind connection. Starting in the 1930s and coming to a head in the 1960s and following decades, the previously thought of iron wall between body and mind started to crumble.

Lifestyle is a summation of that because your lifestyle provides inputs on different levels. It provides a nutritional input and a social input. Your work conditions have a very significant impact on your well-being.

Stress can either push you forward or drag you down. This applies across the board. Your ability to mentally focus is part of the equation. Believe it or not your financial state plays a big role as well.

Finally, tying all of this together is your spiritual aspiration. You may not be a particularly religious person, but everybody has a spiritual component regardless of whether we wish to recognize it or not. All of these inputs work together. They flow through each other, and they impact each other in a very significant way.

The big problem here is the fact that human beings are actually being pushed from different angles. All of these are inputs. What you choose to eat in any given day has a tremendous effect on your overall well-being.

Take the case of magnesium. Do you feel irritable? Do you feel sad for no reason? Do you often get out of bed in a bad mood? Does it seem like things don't quite work out for you or at least you feel like things aren’t panning out?

Well, you might want to consider the amount of magnesium in your diet. Fairly recent nutritional studies show that deficiencies in magnesium, which a lot of people suffer from, impact a range of mental, emotional and physical states.

Greeting Card Making For Kids PLR Ebook

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Chapter 1: Introduction

I have been making greeting cards ever since I can remember. They were not the best looking cards but it’s the thought that counts, right?

I want you to know I am an artist but not an illustrator who can draw a person’s portrait. I can do calligraphy and doodling and simple drawing. So don’t think you won’t be able to do this. It can be easy, peasy and fun!!

The other part of some greeting cards is the writing. You can write a poem or use idioms and puns. Idioms and puns are phrases that don’t really make sense. Sometimes they are just plain silly.

I want you to be inspired by this book. Don’t just copy it. There are so many occasions that cards are appropriate for: birthday, thank you, get well, thinking of you…

When people receive cards, it usually brightens their day. It’s an act of kindness. This world can always use more kindness!

Google Bard Ai MRR Ebook

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Welcome to the world of Google Bard AI expertise! In this e-guide, we will delve into the captivating realm of artificial intelligence, specifically focusing on the innovative technology developed by Google, known as Bard. As AI continues to revolutionize various industries, Bard stands at the forefront, captivating audiences with its ability to generate compelling and coherent pieces of poetry.

Whether you are an AI enthusiast, a writer seeking inspiration, or simply curious about the creative potential of artificial intelligence, this e-guide is your gateway to understanding the intricacies of Google Bard. We will explore the underlying principles, techniques, and advancements that empower Bard to compose verse, capturing the essence of human expression.

Throughout this guide, we will unlock the secrets behind Bard's ability to mimic poetic styles, evoke emotions, and craft verses that resonate with readers. We will also examine the ethical considerations surrounding AIgenerated art and its implications for the future of creativity.

Join us as we unravel the mystique of Google Bard AI expertise and let the words flow and the verses come alive as we dive into the enchanting world of Google Bard.

So, let’s get started!

In this Chapter, we will unveil Google Bard AI and the importance of AI in modern technology as well. We will embark on an enlightening journey that not only explores the fascinating depths of Google Bard AI but also underscores the profound impact of artificial intelligence on our modern technological landscape.

1.1 What is Google Bard AI?

Google Bard is an AI-powered chatbot tool designed by Google to simulate human conversations using natural language processing and machine learning. In addition to supplementing Google search, Bard can be integrated into websites, messaging platforms or applications to provide realistic, natural language responses to user questions.

It leverages state-of-the-art natural language processing and machine learning algorithms to understand and process human language, enabling it to assist users in various tasks such as research, creativity, and knowledge acquisition. Google Bard AI aims to provide personalized solutions and insights tailored to individual needs, helping users overcome challenges, spark creativity, and enhance their overall productivity and learning experience.

Google Bard represents Google's response to ChatGPT, but it sets itself apart in several ways. As an experimental chatbot, Google Bard offers a wide range of functionalities, enabling users to accomplish diverse tasks such as organizing a birthday

celebration, composing emails, and providing answers to intricate inquiries. Notably, it goes beyond these capabilities by facilitating coding activities, and in the near future, it will introduce an AI image generator powered by Adobe. Google Bard serves as an innovative and dynamic platform that continues to evolve, offering users an immersive and multifaceted conversational experience.

Google emphasizes that certain responses provided by Bard may contain inaccuracies. The company positions Bard as a supplementary experience alongside the recently enhanced AI capabilities of Google Search. Consequently, when using Bard, users will notice a "Google It" button accompanying responses, allowing them to seamlessly transition to a Search query for additional information.

Excitingly, the waitlist for Bard has been eliminated. Initially, Google restricted access to Bard AI, but now this experimental AI platform is accessible in 180 countries and supports three languages.

If you wish to personally experience Bard, we encourage you to read more in this comprehensive guide on Google Bard AI Expertise. It provides step-bystep instructions to help you get started and make the most of this innovative tool.

Stranger In The Forest PLR Ebook

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Honeybear lived in the middle of a large forest. She had built herself a fine Tree House and loved to sit inside, looking out at the tops of the trees. She was rather a lazy bear and didn’t like going for long walks or bathing in the lake. Most days Honeybear was quite content to stay at home, where she would spend her time snoozing and preparing tasty meals.

Because she stayed at home a lot, she sometimes felt rather lonely. Honeybear knew most of the animals in the forest, of course, but none of them were what she would call a really good friend. One day, while looking out from the Tree House, she caught sight of a dark shape in the undergrowth below.

Honeybear wondered what it was. ‘Perhaps another bear?’ she thought. ‘Or, maybe, a fox or a badger?’ But then, it called up to her. “Gerumph, gerumph,” it said. Badgers don’t usually say things like that, Honeybear decided. Or foxes for that matter and certainly not bears! It doesn’t sound like any of those animals.

“Gerumph, gerumph,” the call came again and, in spite of being so lazy, Honeybear felt she just had to find out what it was.

So, she climbed down from her Tree House and looked around.

But whichever way she looked, there was no one to be seen.

Suddenly she jumped in the air with surprise as the ‘gerumphing’ noise sounded right in her ear. She was almost afraid to turn around and see who or what it was. But Honeybear was quite brave in her own way and she did so, coming face to face with a large black animal with long fur, a mournful face, sad brown eyes and very long arms.

“Who-who are you?” Honeybear stammered, trying to keep up her courage. “You gave me a fright, appearing out of nowhere like that.”

The stranger looked at Honeybear with his mournful eyes.

“Gerumph, gerumph,” he said. “I’m a gorilla, of course, and I’m lost in the forest and don’t know how to get back to my home in the zoo.” Honeybear didn’t know what a zoo was but she suddenly felt a lovely warm glowing feeling. Could this be the friend she’d always wanted? “Why don’t you stay here with me in my Tree House for a little while and see if you prefer it to your home in the zoo – whatever that is?” she said.

The young gorilla considered this carefully, his long arms hanging down by his sides. After some time, he said: “All right, that sounds rather fun,” which made Honeybear laugh as he looked so mournful when he said it.

“If you’re going to be my friend,” said Honeybear. “You must tell me your name.”

The gorilla looked even sadder and said that he’d never been given a proper name.

“All right,” said Honeybear. “Then I shall call you Gerumph.” At this, the gorilla thumped his chest with delight several times, making his gerumphing sound. Honeybear was pleased to have made him so happy and they both climbed up into the Tree House together.

In no time at all, Honeybear and her new friend were cosily settled in. Gerumph, who had lived most of his life in a zoo, loved the freedom of the forest and would swing from tree to tree while Honeybear looked on, wondering where he got his energy from.

But, as the days went by, Honeybear began to realise that no one had come to visit her. No one at all! In fact, she’d been expecting to see Potting the pine marten who had promised to bring over some delicious berries that grew in a secret place near where he lived. They tasted wonderful dipped in honey and were one of her favourites.

Just thinking about them made Honeybear’s tummy rumble.

She began to feel very hungry and then rather cross. After thinking a little longer, she decided to go and see Potting and find out what was going on. Leaving the Tree House, she made her way along the track in the direction of Potting’s home. Approaching where he lived, she could see the pine marten sitting outside in the sun.

“Hello, Potting,” Honeybear called out. “Have you any berries for me?”

Google Bard Ai Prompts PLR Ebook

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Capital Budgeting

Key principles to consider when undertaking capital budgeting for your project.

How to effectively incorporate time value of money concepts in capital budgeting decisions.

Strategies for evaluating the risk and return of long-term projects using capital budgeting in a scenario.

Tips for utilizing the net present value (NPV) method for optimal capital expenditure decisions.

Role of internal rate of return (IRR) in guiding capital budgeting decisions for your venture.

Techniques to incorporate non-financial factors in the capital budgeting process of your project.

How to address potential uncertainties and contingencies in capital budgeting for a business expansion.

Strategies for prioritizing multiple projects when capital resources are limited in your organization.

Tips for understanding the payback period method and its relevance in your capital budgeting scenario.

Role of sensitivity analysis in assessing the viability of projects under various capital budgeting assumptions.

Techniques to integrate external factors, like macroeconomic shifts, into your capital budgeting for industry developments.

How to account for tax implications and incentives when devising a capital budget plan.

Strategies for considering opportunity costs and alternative investments in your capital budgeting decisions.

Tips for utilizing the profitability index to weigh the benefits and costs of a capital project.

Role of scenario planning in forecasting potential outcomes and risks in capital budgeting.

Techniques for continuous monitoring and adjusting of capital budgets in response to your project's real-time performance.

How to effectively engage stakeholders in the capital budgeting decision-making process for your initiative.

Strategies for incorporating sustainability and environmental considerations in capital budgeting for green projects.

Tips for managing the potential conflicts between short-term financial goals and long-term capital budgeting in your organization.

Role of advanced financial modeling and simulations in enhancing the precision of capital budgeting.

Techniques for effectively communicating the rationale and expected outcomes of capital budgeting decisions to shareholders.

How to incorporate qualitative factors, like brand value or strategic positioning, in your capital budgeting evaluations.

Strategies for handling sunk costs and their influence on capital budgeting decisions.

Tips for effectively integrating cost of capital and expected return metrics in your capital budgeting process.

Role of robust auditing and transparency in ensuring the success and credibility of capital budgeting initiatives.

Techniques to assess and handle potential foreign exchange risks in capital budgeting for international projects.

How to understand and navigate the impact of inflation on future cash flows in a capital budgeting context.

Strategies for capital budgeting in sectors with rapid technological changes, such as.

Tips for capital budgeting considerations in merger and acquisition scenarios within your industry.

Role of stakeholder feedback and market research in fine-tuning capital budgeting plans for product launches.

Popsicle Stick Craft For Kids PLR Ebook

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Snail crafts are a fun way to get your kid interested in all creatures, great and small (especially small). The Beaded Popsicle Stick Snail is a quick DIY kids' craft that's doable for both younger and older age groups. This is a great craft to try after a nature walk or a trip to the zoo. You can make the beaded snail shell with earthy wooden beads, or get creative with colorful pony beads. All the kids will have to do is string them to a pipe cleaner and add some glue and a Popsicle stick. You can even make a whole family of little snails to keep each other company!


x Wooden scoop stick
x 2 brown pipe cleaners
x Wood beads
x Small googly eyes
x Glue
x Hot glue gun (adult supervision required)


1. Start by threading one of your brown pipe cleaners with wooden beads.

2. Curl the end of your pipe cleaner to form a circle and wrap the extra pip cleaner section around the beaded strand to secure it in place. Continue curling and bending the beaded strand around in circles to form a snail shell

3. When you get to the end you’ll have the extra pip cleaner section from the other end showing. Wrap it around the beaded pip cleaner to secure it and hold the beaded snail body in place.

4. Use the hot glue gun (adult supervision required) to glue your bead ed snail body onto the scoop stick.

5. Cut a small section off of your other brown pip cleaner (about ¼ of it) and bend it in half. Curl the ends to make antennae, and then, use the hot glue gun to glue it to the back of the scoop stick at the front.

6. Finish your snail craft by gluing a small googly eye onto its face and add a smile if you’d like!

Running out of activities for your kids to do this summer that don't leave your bank account empty? These fun Popsicle Stick Animal Puppets will allow the kids to make their own fun this summer. This easy kid's craft can be made with Popsicle sticks, paint, and craft foam to make the animals come to life. The kids will love this summer craft idea, and they'll want to put on a show for you and their friends as soon as they complete their own little zoo of puppets. Take it easy with this fun craft for kids. Your house will become a zoo but in a fun and creative way.