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Do you reach for your phone first thing in the morning- If you grab your smartphone within seconds of waking up, you might be addicted to it. This can happen to anyone, but it can be difficult to stop these bad phone habits.
That is why we gathered these five hacks to help you minimize your phone addiction! When you put the phone down more, you will notice that you have a lot more time. You might start picking up hobbies you dropped a while ago or start new activities.
Be sure to keep reading if you struggle with setting down your phone!
Are You Addicted?
Smartphone users check their phones more than 150 times a day on average. So, if you believe you are addicted, you are not alone. Many people suffer from smartphone addiction.
Apps are designed to keep your attention for as long as possible. Over time, they can become quite difficult to put down. But, the longer you stay scrolling, the more money social media platforms make off of you. This gives social media companies plenty of reasons to make their apps as addictive as possible.
These are some basic signs of phone addiction:
- Craving access to phone
- Checking phone constantly
- Anxious when it is not in sight
- Restlessness
- Sleep problems
If you believe you are suffering from cell phone addiction, you will want to take the needed steps to change this right away. Your relationships could go down hill if you do not. Plus, you will feel much better the less you are on your phone. You will have time for hobbies and things that you enjoy again!
Check-In On Your Phone Usage
Before you get started with the below hacks, you will want to check-in on your current phone usage. This allows you to know where you need to improve and cut back. There are many apps out there that can be used to track your usage.
“Moment” is a popular option. It tracks your usage and records how much time you spend on apps. Overall, phone tracking apps will give you a base point. From there, you can work on reducing the amount of time you spend checking it.
If you try to go into breaking a serious phone addiction without using a tool to track your progress, it will be much, much harder to overcome. By having numbers available to work with, you can also feel proud of your results.
Once you have your phone usage tracker installed, get to work on these hacks!
1. Turn Off Notifications
The first hack is to turn off your phone’s notifications. If you constantly reach for your phone the second it makes a sound, this will help you a lot. We are trained to respond to notifications- we react to each with a pleasure response. This makes our brains want more notifications.
If you want to stop bad phone habits, turning off notifications for most of your apps will help you stay productive. There will be a lot less interruptions ruining your focus. Plus, you will notice that you have a lot more time to yourself.
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- Category:Ebooks
- Tags:2022 Ebooks With Audio Master Resale Rights