Tag Archives: Videos With Video

Techie Training Videos V10 MRR Video

Learn The Technical Skills of Your Internet Marketing Business!

Having your own online business empire is very inspiring to a lot of people. The thing is that, ordinary people don't know the story behind the success of these internet marketing mugul.

If you are planning to have your own online business, then having these sets of technical skills are very important and I think necessary.

Inside this video, you are going to learn those special skills:

WorPress-Advanced Image Editor
Gimp Intro, Gimp Tour
Gimp Add ScriptFu
Gimp Add Gradient To Text
Gimp Glowing Text
Gimp Raised Text
Paint.net Intro
Paint.net Tour
Paint.net Add Plugins
Paint.net Text Effects
Picmonkey Editor
Picmonkey Collage Creator
Picmonkey YouTube Channel Art

Massive Webinar Profits MRR Video

How To Sell High Ticket Items For Massive Commissions Even If You're Starting From Scratch With No Traffic Or A Huge List Of Subscribers!

Find Out The Exact Method That Top Internet Marketers Are Using To Rake In Huge Sales With High Ticket Items!

Dear Marketer,

Imagine if you lost everything today, your site, and your list with thousands of subscribers and you had to start from scratch. What will you do?

I f you want to build a list, it takes time, effort and money. You need to earn your subscribers trust and show that you're an expert to build your credibility. Even if you manage to build a list again, you can only sell low ticket items most of the time.

Would you rather sell a 100 copies of your product that's worth $10 which comes to $1000 or rather sell 5 copies of a high end offer worth $200 each. That comes to a $1000 as well but you're only dealing with 5 customers compared to a 100 customers at a time.

They funny thing is, most of the complains will come from the lower ticket buyers than the high ticket buyers. But how do you sell high ticket items?

You need instant credibility and where do you find these high end buyers without any traffic?
If you had to start everything again from scratch there's one thing you can do to get through the hurdles much faster and get to massive profits right away...

Webinars Are The Money Making Cash Cows Today!

Picture a live seminar or a power point presentation but this time it's shown online. You can watch everything from the comfort of their own home. You can teach them, make a pitch and interact with your audience online

Why You Should Use Webinar To Sell High Ticket Items:

Transparency - Most people prefer to talk and interact in person than to read your email messages or blog posts. Even if it's just a voice recording, you have instant credibility because you know what you're talking about. That builds trust with your subscribers.

High Conversions - More people will buy from you, when they can hear and see you. As long you provide massive value and great content they will be more responsive to your offer, even if it's a few hundred dollars.

Leverage - Even if you don't have a list of subscribers, you can always create a JV partnership and ask another marketer to promote your webinar to his or her list.

We can talk about many more reasons here but let's cut to the chase…

Solo Ad Blueprint MRR Video

Discover One of The Most Effective Ways To Send Massive Amounts of Traffic And Build A List Of Highly Responsive Subscribers That Will Explode Your Bank Account!

You Don't Need To Rely On SEO, PPC Or Any Other Traffic Source That Depends On Google, Facebook Or Other "Giant" Sites Anymore!

Traffic is the lifeline for online businesses and to build your list. You may have a great giveaway offer and sales funnel but without any targeted traffic, it will be worthless.

Where do you usually get traffic from? Is it through SEO? But it's risky if you're depending only on Google for your traffic. Whereas, Facebook ads is also highly relevant and it helps you to get targeted prospects but if you are not familiar with it you might be putting your money to waste.

Even so, most of these traffic sources bring in "cold traffic." You won't know whether they are actually interested in your offer. They might not even know anything about your niche. So the chances of them converting to a paying customer is pretty slim.

If you can get targeted prospects that are really keen in your topic, they are more open to new ideas and that will turn into sales once you earn their trust. For instance when you go for a movie and you really enjoy it, you're going to tell your family and friends about it.
They will be more likely to go and watch it because the recommendation came from a trusted source.

Imagine doing the same thing to promote your product or offer online? You need to look for "warm traffic", people who have already warmed up to your offer or at least know something about it. Where can you get this "warm traffic"?

One of the best sources of "warm traffic" is "Solo Ads"!

The Best Starter Traffic For New Marketers And New Niche Explorers!

It's a paid promotion where another marketer will send out a promotional mailing to promote your offer or product. The conversion and sales you get from this kind of traffic is nothing like any other traffic source out there.

Why you should use Solo Ads:

Highly Responsive - The subscribers you get are usually in the same niche. They are more receptive since it's what they have been looking for.

Higher Conversion - Since they come from another marketer's list, they probably have bought a few products and they are more likely to buy from you as well.

Independent - You can bypass all the "Giant" sites like Google and Facebook and go directly to the an individual or a small business owner. You're not affected by algorithms or policy changes.

Fast Results - You can start doing this today and get instant results, split test your page and work your way towards a profitable campaign.

And much, much more!

You're going to get much better results with a few Solo Ads compared to an expensive campaign on Google or Facebook!

Media Buying Secrets MRR Video

Discover An Untapped Traffic Source That Is Being Used By Big Time Marketers And How It Can Skyrocket Your Traffic And Sales Overnight!

The Traffic Generation Strategy That's Right In Front Of You But Have Been Massively Underutilized!

Dear Marketer,

Are you spending a lot of time and money on different traffic sources but nothing has been working so far? It's not as simple as setting up a site, and trying to write articles and blog posts hoping to rank well in Google.

SEO takes a lot of time and effort to do that but how long are you going to wait. One change in the algorithm and POOF! There goes your site, traffic is down and you have barely any visitors.

PPC might be another option but if you don't know what you're doing it will be disaster. You can spend as much as you want but you will barely get the amount of traffic you're looking for. It will all go to waste and same like SEO, PPC traffic such as Facebook Ads will change in the long run, the cost will get higher and they will tighten the approval process for your ads.

Then what will you do?

Fortunately there's another untapped source of traffic that most people are not aware off. Its right in front of you, they have it in most sites and blogs but you are not sure on how to take full advantage of it.

This source of traffic, gives you massive amounts of traffic and you don't have to rely on any huge Internet giants for traffic.

You're bypassing the middle man and going directly to the source. It's also cheaper in the long run compared to PPC and instead of waiting for months to rank in Google; you can implement this now and start getting massive amounts of traffic right away!

Media Buying Is The Way To Go!

What is Media Buying?

Almost every blog and sites have banners on the side bars, header and footer. No matter which niche you're in there's always a site where you can promote or advertise your offer on these sites.
The massive amounts of traffic you generate from these banner ads will literally skyrocket your traffic and sales overnight!

Why you should use Media Buying:

Cheap - Usually you're charged on a monthly basis. Which means a $100 banner ad will be shown throughout the month which is much cheaper than getting a couple of clicks using PPC.

Independent - You don't have to rely on a third party site such as Google or Facebook. You can go directly to the website or blog owner and negotiate a deal with them.

There's no limit - You are literally spoilt for choice when it comes to banner ads. There are so many sites for you to choose from, no matter which niche you're in.

It's one of the best and oldest way of getting traffic to your site and it's here to stay. So why don't you take advantage of it.

Affirmation Videos MRR Video

Discover The Amazing Key To Your Personal Transformation That Will Change The Way You Look At Obstacles In Your Life!

What Do You Do When You Feel Like Giving Up? Learn The Art Of Self Talk That Will Heal Your Mind And Spirit When You Feel Like Giving Up!

Dear Friend,

Have you been feeling down lately? Like, your mind wants to work but you don't have the strength to move? And do you feel that you don't have the motivation to do anything anymore?

Don't worry, it happens to most of us. All you need is to think about a moment and think of the things that you want to see or love to do. You might feel silly doing this but how are you going get yourself out of that slump and get back up?

Sometimes, you will lose the excitement in your life and you just want to stagnate in one place. It is really hard to move forward when you are not motivated.

You need to know what you want, what are your goals. What do you want to achieve by the end of the year?

But the question is, how do you stay committed enough to achieve your goals. Most people start with a new year's resolution that lasts less than a month.

How do you keep motivation and pushing yourself to go the extra mile?

"You Will Find The Answer With Affirmations!"

What are affirmations?

Affirmations are positive statements that can help you condition your train of thoughts and you will begin to think more positively. It can help you change your negative thoughts or give you the push you need to achieve your goals.

Why should you use affirmations:

Have a more positive outlook on life - It's one of the best way to take direct control of your mind and be more positive even in the face of adversity and challenges.

Achieve your goals - No matter what you aim to, it will always keep crumbling down if you don't remind and push yourself. Affirmations will help you keep track of what's important and make sure you don't get distracted from your goals.

Get rid of your bad habits - Thinking of quitting a bad habit? There's nothing better than your own voice and mind to remind yourself on a daily basis, it's like giving yourself a pep talk.

JV Secrets 20 MRR Video

Discover The Secret Of Driving Massive Amounts Of Server Crushing Traffic Without Spending Any Time Or Money…

And Learn How To Build Your Business From Scratch Again If You Were To Lose Your List, Blog or Sites Tomorrow!

Dear Marketer,

What if you have no source of traffic, your SEO is not doing well, your PPC campaigns are going bust.

All this source of traffic is just for the short term, anything can change tomorrow.

Are you going to wait until everything crumbles and you lose your sites and your huge list of subscribers? It costs a lot of time, money and effort to generate massive traffic but what do you get in the end? Only minimal results, so who's on the losing end now? It's YOU!

Is there a way to generate a huge amount of traffic without depending on any kind of platform or websites that's only looking to profit themselves and fatten their bank account?
How do you bring massive traffic if you don't have the cash or time?

What If I say there's a traffic source that's literally free and you don't need much time to implement it.

If you have a site or landing page now, you can even start doing this right now!

The smartest marketers on the planet are all about the relationship. They leverage on JV partnerships.

Well, Nothing Beats The Power Of Joint Ventures!

What are JV partnerships?

It's when two or more marketers come and work together. Whether to build a list and send cross promotions or promote each other's products. It's how much value you put out there for the other person without expecting anything in return.

Why you should use JV partnerships:

Free - You don't need time and money but you need to build a relationship with other marketers and work with them.

High Leverage - If you are starting from scratch without any list, you can find a way to work with another marketer who has the list or traffic to help you. You need to show what you can do for the other person and provide massive value.

Speed - If you were to lose your list and sites today, you can be back in business by tomorrow if you have a strong network of JV's.

There's no doubt that JV partnerships can do wonders for you, if you know how to it correctly.

Law Of Attraction Secrets MRR Video

Discover The Secret Law That Is Used By Some Of The Most Powerful Figures On The Planet...

... And How You Can Use It In Your Own Life To Achieve Your True Calling And Life Purpose!

Imagine if you were able to achieve what you've always wanted in life, all your dreams and aspirations.

What would it mean to you? Think about it, what do you want to do in your life and what's your purpose here on Earth?

You pay your dues on a regular basis to make good living, support your family, pay your bills on time and save whatever that's left at the end of the month. Hoping that you will be looking towards a bright future, right?

In everything you do, whether it's a small or big thing, you have a purpose and you want to achieve something that's why you work hard to get the best things in life.

You dream of achieving big things in life that defines you for who you are. When you were still a kid, you had big ambitions. To become an astronaut or an actor or even a rock star.

What happened to those dreams now that you've grown up?

And how come at the end of the day you feel lost?

Do you notice sometimes, when you buy a new car and suddenly you end up noticing the car everywhere. On the road, in the mall, around your neighborhood, or as far as your eyes can see.

What happened? Why did suddenly everyone decided to get the same car as you? Don't they have any other choice or is it something else?

The moment you choose to focus on an object, it triggers something in your brain and you start to notice it everywhere you go. What is this phenomenon?

Tube Tutorial Module 12 Personal Use Video

Learn the Technical Skills of Internet Marketing!

If you want to become a master in internet marketing, learning those technical skills and techniques is necessary. As this will serve as your strong foundations toward internet marketing success.

The problem is that, it's hard to find those tutorials and sometimes you can find it elsewhere. But that's not a problem anymore as inside this product package is a series of Video Tutorials that will give you the idea how to do the following:

Setting Up Nickname
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And so much more...

Gold Silver Investment Secrets MRR Video

Discover The Secrets To Investing In Precious Metals And Grow Your Wealth To Epic Proportions!

Why You Need To Take This Opportunity And Lock Your Wealth In These Precious Metals And Hedge Against Inflation!

Dear Friend,

I'm sure most of us want to work hard, save up and dream of becoming rich and wealthy.

You want to provide for your family the best there is in terms of the quality of your life, the place you stay, a good education for your child and never imagine when you never have to worry about money anymore? How would that feel like? Priceless?

So how do you become rich?

There are few ways of doing this, for instance:

Get rich by inheritance. Unless you're born with a golden spoon this is not likely at all.

Strike a lottery. The chances of you striking a lottery, the odds must be like 1 in a Gazillion, that won't work as well.

Start a business. Now we're talking. This is more feasible but what kind of business you want to start? You'd need some capital and it takes time to do this.

Investing. You can do this starting from now. Now that's more like it. So what should you invest in?
Properties are one of the best investments you can make but you need to have some capital and the other downside is you need to manage it.

Deal with the tenants and collect rent. Unless you don't mind doing all this extra work, properties is a great investment vehicle but not necessarily a hands free investment. You got to get your hands dirty and get things done.

Should you just put your money in a fixed deposit. It's not the best option out there as it gives a very low return and do you really want to keep all your savings in the bank after the major recession in the past few years?

What about the stock market? You need to study the companies you want to invest in, whether it's making money and how does it look like in the long term.

If you're not sure with what you're doing, the stock market can be a very volatile and risky place for your investment. It can give you some fantastic returns but you need to do your homework.

Is there something that's not as risky as the stock, give better returns than fixed deposits and something simpler than property investing?

Welcome To The Modern Day Gold Rush!

Have you heard about gold and silver investing?