Tag Archives: Videos With Video

Buyers Generation 30 MRR Video

How To Build A Massive List Of Highly Responsive Subscribers & Generate Thousands Of Dollars On Autopilot…All By Sending Just One Email!

What You Actually Need To Know About List Building To Make Serious Profits Or Lose Out To Your Competitors!

Dear Friend,

Most marketers say that "the money is in the list". List building is the number one way internet marketers have been making money online.

Why do you need to build a list? You want to build a list of subscribers and monetize your audience by promoting your offers and products to them. So all you need to do is to put up a landing page, give away a free offer and send traffic to build your list, right?

But what happens when you build a large list of subscribers and you barely make any sales.
Is there something wrong with this equation? Imagine if everyone in your list only wanted the free stuff, do you think they will buy when you send them a paid offer?

Of course not!

So what's wrong here? The truth is, if you just build a list of freebie seekers you're just wasting your time because it's going to be useless.

"The Money Is NOT In The List... It Is In The BUYERS' List!"

That's right, would you rather build a list of buyers who have paid for your product or get a bunch of freebie seekers? They're worth more than the usual subscribers because they've build a relationship with you.

The buyer's list is

More Responsive - Even a small list of buyer list can bring in more sales than a larger list of freebie subscribers

Spending History - people who have purchased from you before are more likely to buy again.

Sell more products easily - They are more open to promotions and offers.

The Trust factor - You've earned their trust the first time they made a purchase. They know you're not a snake oil salesman but an honest marketer who provides massive value.

Better type of people - Less complains and generally the high ticket customers have less problems than freebie seekers. So you take your pick.

Quality over Quantity - You don't need to build a huge list but a small list that's more focused and a higher quality. You will also save on your autoresponder fees because the bigger your list gets, the more you have to pay on your monthly charges.

High Ticket Freelance Insider Personal Use Video

"See How Easily You Can Have Full Time Money With My Proven Freelance Formula!"

Dear Overworked and Underpaid,

I have good news – having a full-time freelance income on the internet is right under your nose!

You have arrived at this page because you're tired of trying to scrape by making money from home writing for people. It's kinda like, working for minimum wage…except now you're DOING IT FROM HOME.

If you have to work all day and night writing $2 articles, are you really getting ahead? Do you have any more time with family and friends, now that you're "at home"?

Is this even possible?

I was in your shoes not so long ago and I know the exact feeling of trying to make a living working freelance jobs. I remember feeling like I was ALWAYS WORKING…I didn't have time for my family, my friends, hobbies….nothing.

And it wasn't like I was making big money either. By the time I did all of those jobs, what I actually ended up with was barely enough to cover my bills. And sometimes, it didn't even do that. I always wondered what would happen if I got sick and couldn't work for a week? It was pretty scary.

But today, I don't get too worried about that stuff because I know how to find the clients who pay me amazing rate. And I don't even THINK about lowering my prices. Why? Because I built a nice little system that helps me to find good clients—that love what I do. It took me time to test my system, so that I knew it worked over and over again. And I am ready to show how to take my system and let it work for you…

But before we go ahead, I want you to hear me on this…

I'm living proof that you can position yourself earn what you want to be involved in life. With the right strategy, I now know how to build the kind of system that will help you get ahead, enjoying life, spending time with loved ones—instead of working ALL DAY and ALL NIGHT. And you will be able to do the same thing.

It's always a good feeling to KNOW that you get paid at the level that allows you to say yes to some projects, no to others and have more than enough time and money for yourself and family; and you can have it too if you're willing to learn and listen to what I'm going to teach you…


Here's my promise to you…

In the next 12 videos, I'll take you by the hand and tell you exactly what you need to know to find the kind of clients that will keep your income at a level that allows you to thrive in your life and not just survive.

But you'll need to be willing to follow this easy system without getting side-tracked... Are you willing? Yes?

So let's dive into what you'll discover in these 12 video lessons…

Skills To Bills MRR Video

"How To Make $97 Or More Per Customer Every Time You Sell Your New Service"

Discover One Of The Quickest and Easiest Ways To Start Driving High-Dollar Sales Into Your Account

Dear Friend,

If you've been struggling online but you know a thing or two about internet marketing, then fate may have brought you to this page.

Because you can make good money selling services that webmasters and internet marketers are already looking for.

Fact Is...

You may have been neglecting some of your talents and abilities up until now.

We're not talking about complex services here.

You CAN pull this off.

All it takes is the desire to do so.
Imagine Getting Paid Good Money for Offering Any of the Following Simple Services...
If you can pull off at least one of these services, then you can make money with it:

Design Services
Website Design
Ebook Writing Services
Articles for People
Writing Reports for People
Technical Services
Installing Wordpress
Selling Turnkey Packages

Look. It's Not Rocket Science

Many of these sevices you can learn (or have already learned) in just a few hours.

Yet these simple skills can become your new cash cow.

If you've been doing affiliate marketing or selling your own products up until now with little or no success, then you should take a swing at selling services.
Why Do Services Sell So Well?
There's good reason...

Because people are lazy and they often don't know what they're doing either.

You can ride in on your white horse, save the day, and best of all get paid for it.
It Doesn't Matter If You Don't Know What To Charge Right Now...

Google Marketing Tools Video Tutorials MRR Video

Brand New Techie Training Videos That Are Brain-Dead Simple To Follow

"Fire Your WebMaster & Learn All The Tricks Of The Trade - It's Easy Once You Know How!!"

Now You Too Can Become The Expert

Are you struggling to deal with the technical side of your online business?

If you or people you know are having to pay out fees to manage the technical tasks of an online business then what you are about to read on this page will BLOW YOUR MIND!

WRONG NOTION #1 - Running Your Own Online Business Is Too Techie For The Novice or Newbie

Unless you are trying to be the next Mark Zuckerburg or Steve Jobs, running your own online business doesn't require more than just knowing a little about a few pieces of software.

What - You are not a Programmer!!?? No Big Deal!!

If you know what programs and software to use AND how to use them then you will not need to know or have any programming or coding skills at all.

WRONG NOTION #2 - You Need To Hire A Webmaster To Handle All The Technical Stuff

While hiring someone to do the work for you.., will save you time (If You Can Afford It),if you do not know how to do the work yourself then..

1. The person you hire can easily be robbing you blind AND not doing what needs to be done.

2. You will forever be enslaved to the people you hire and having to pay whatever they demand otherwise your business will stop when they leave.

So What Is The Answer To Managing All The Technical Stuff For Your Online Business?

WebMaster Videos is your Genie In A Bottle, Your Big Red EASY Button..
WebMaster Videos IS YOUR ANSWER!!

WebMaster Videos Are Your GEEK-SPEAK-FREE Video Guides That Will Take You From WebMaster Zero To WebMaster HERO!!

These videos provide you with detailed 'Over-The-Shoulder' style step-by-step tutorials that leave no technical stone un-turned.

Here Is A Sampling Of The Videos


Gmail Tabs are NOT as bad as many will have you believe. Video 06 will show you how to benefit from this new feature & how to turn them off if you still don’t like them

These awesome videos can help you save two items you can NEVER have enough of... TIME & MONEY!

Get & Keep your emails organized! Videos 02, 05 & 07 will show you in detail, how to manage your Gmail inbox and MORE!

You had 30 site visitors & 10 bought your gizmo. Video 15 on setting Google Analytics Goals will show you how to increase your conversions. This video is worth the cost of the entire Vol 07 set!

Google Analytics is a powerful FREE service that provides you with information on your website traffic & sales. Video 12 takes you on a tour of the GA interface so you will know where all the right buttons are located

How To Use WordPress Multisite Personal Use Video

You can install wordpress once and run all of your blogs in a network using wordpress multisite.

Easily manage all of your blogs with one sign in and control center ... and best of all - the platform is 100% free! easily create a blog farm in just a few minutes!

This functionality is available for every Wordpress install. Simply turn it on and start using it. But the best part is that you can manage everything from a single control panel. No more signing in to individual blogs to maintain them.

Here are some benefits to using multisiteover several standard installs:

Manage all of your sites from a single control panel
Manage all of your themes (or users themes) from one spot
Manage and restrict users plugin capabilities
Shared user accounts.
Better site performance on each blog
A single upgrade point for all your blogs
Make money from other people's content
Install it once and use for all your blogs

Business Hangout Blueprint PLR Video

Announcing The Brand New, 10 Part, Step By Step Video Course That Shows You...

"Finally, Learn How Use Hangouts to Grow Your Business by Cultivating Relationships, Hosting Webinars, Mastermind Groups, Collaborations, and More! Learn How You Can Start Doing This Today!"

This specific training course was designed for you to watch over my shoulder, step-by-step, click by click, to ensure that you are able to successfully and effectively use hangouts in your business to increase your sales conversions and more.

Dear Business Owner,

Google Hangouts is the next big thing. However, we all know that the next big thing tends to fall to the wayside.

So the question is will Google Hangouts live to be the next big thing for years and years to come?

Yes, I believe so.

If you haven't tried out Google Hangouts then I would highly recommend that you check it out or even do some research on it.

But imagine being able to get in the same room as everybody else, and get to see their actual faces, interact, and have an instant relationship builder.

"Ok, doesn't that already exist? There's nothing really new about that kind of thing, right?"

Yes, if you were to pick certain features.

No, if you see the system as a whole.

Imagine being able to collaborate in a meeting with your coworkers, business partners, or prospective customers?

You can present more effectively than ever, show them files that you've been working on, and much, much more.

What makes Google Hangouts so powerful is its integration with its existing powerful apps.

But it doesn't stop there.

It also gives you the capability of showing people the screen of your computer.

Of course I know what you're thinking. There's a lot of software systems out there that already do this, right?

Yes, and many cost $99/month or more, yet only provide a fraction of the services.

Skype allows you to do some of this, but again it's only a tiny feature.

So while you can do that with other systems, the fact is that Google Hangouts is integrated into Google’s already powerful social networking, app system, Google Drive, and more – and it is free too, which makes a lot of difference.

Free? Yes, free.

This is very cost-effective in the long term.

And it doesn't stop there.

It's also compatible with iPhones, Android phones, PCs and other operating systems. I've tested various alternative systems and they tend to be compatible with PCs and Macs only.

So that being said there are many devices that have access to the Google Hangouts system. And therefore that means more people and more prospective customers in the end to interact with. As a business owner, that is huge!

Want to put your live Hangouts on YouTube? Think of traffic and how powerful that can be. Now you have a full system (traffic and conversions) that integrates fully into YouTube.

And there are no monthly fees or anything like that, at least for now. And following Google's track record, they tend to keep it that way.

Now there's always advantages and disadvantages of any type of system as it is growing.

But I have to say that my wallet is definitely happy about Google Hangouts and I'm sure that yours will be too.

So with that said, whether you want to use Google Hangouts for your business, non-profit organization, church, blog, website, or more...

...in this specific video series you're going to learn exactly how to use it the right way and how to use this system to the max.

How To Set Up An Autoresponder System Using WordPress PLR Video

How To Set Up An Autoresponder System Using WordPress!

It is said that the money is in the list. If you are a serious internet marketer then building a list is necessary.

For you to get started, you need to have the idea how email marketing works and how to setup an autoresponder.

Inside this product is a video presentation that will guide internet marketers on setting up their first email marketing campaign.