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Chapter 1: Introduction
The Internet – The Most Inexpensive Business In The World!
Ever thought about starting a business only to abandon the idea because of a lack of finances? Well, your penny-saving days have come to an end thanks to the Internet?s way of getting customers!
Welcome To “Free And Low Cost Ways To Huge Web Traffic!”
In this book, you will learn about 5 essential techniques that you can use to greatly boost your website?s traffic without spending your life savings on expensive „traffic generation? software or even paid traffic!
Yes, you don?t need to invest your life savings in Google AdWords or pay through your nose for private advertising space on high traffic blogs.
These techniques are so powerful that it will help you create so much traffic; you will think you are in Internet marketing heaven!
So why do these techniques work? Here?s the reason why:
- Your „agents? of delivery are willing to promote YOU for free!
- You are sitting on fertile soil (high traffic websites)
- The owners of those websites have got something of value from you (and you will be giving it with minimal effort)
- You are relying on the massive duplicating power that the Internet has to offer!
Of course, I am not implying that all paid traffic is bad. Both free and paid traffic has its place in the grand scheme of things, but it is always better to start off with free traffic and monetize it FIRST.
And once you?ve mastered the art of monetizing free traffic, does that mean that you will do away with paid traffic?
Of course NOT!
If you are already making $1,000 on autopilot you wouldn?t mind investing $500 of your monthly residual income into paid traffic to pocket yourself another $1,000 monthly now would you?
The key is for anyone who is just starting out to „plant their seeds? all over the Internet?s soil. You can pick and choose which of your „plants? grow faster and bear fruit and spend more time nurturing it.
It sure beats setting up a shop downtown, sitting there all day waiting for customers to arrive. So let?s tap into the power of the fastest and most inexpensive business in the world right now!
Chapter 2: Viral Marketing Fever!
Why Viral Marketing Is Extremely Powerful
Ever had Chicken Pox? It all starts from one member of the family getting infected by a friend or a relative. He brings the virus home and pretty soon the entire family gets hit by chicken pox… but not before the „carrier? passes it to another friend?s family!
This is what viral marketing is like – when you have the necessary tools to drive traffic to your website, your profits will be unstoppable!
Here are a few key components you will need to accomplish this feat:
- Advertisements placed in strategic locations (e.g. at the back of viral E-books)
- E-products with resell rights (any form that allows the product to be easily passed to another – master resell rights, unrestricted PLR rights, rebranding rights or giveaway rights)
- A viral software to refer your friends (e.g. Viral Friend Generator)
Finding The Right „Carrier?
If you want to kick start your viral marketing campaign you will need to find a suitable „carrier? for your „viruses?.
By having the right carrier, you will be able to launch your campaign as swiftly as possible because it will take a while before the viral effect starts to kick in.
A suitable carrier would be an E-product that will easily fall into the hands of many readers automatically and it must have a targeted audience (related to that particular niche) who will find your ad useful.
However, you must choose the right kind of carrier. This carrier must either have a lot of credibility or an attraction factor that will appeal to the target audience or the resellers (other carriers).
- License: Private Label Rights
- Tags:2022 Ebooks Private Label Rights